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STTNG Delta ramp lock behaviour


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Nov 6, 2015
Picture the scene:

1. Lock is flashing on the Delta ramp (the left one).
2. Ball makes it up the left ramp but stops short of entering the Borg shop and rolls back down.....

The ball can go one of two ways, it will either go back down the Delta ramp, which is what happens most often, or, occasionally the ball will find it's way down the wireform instead. When this happens, switch 83 (made left ramp) at the top of the wireform is triggered and a lock is given even though the ball is still in play.

All switches, optos and coils involved are testing fine.

Could someone test this on their machine for me to see if this is what is meant to happen? With lock lit on the left ramp, with your fingers, trigger the left ramp entrance followed by the left ramp made switch, does this give you a locked ball?

Thanks in advance.

While I don't have a machine to check, that would be a sensible action for it to take, i.e. 'downgrading' to a virtual lock rather than a real, physical one. It would also compensate for a broken diverter.

Star Trek Next Gen is a game prone to a false-alarm Credit Dot, for the Borg Ship.

Another game with a similar thing programmed in is Williams B/S Dracula - the large l/h ramp can see a ball stop at its crest, and drop into a wire-form without the help of a diverter. This unintentional entry is designated as a "Secret Passage".
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Picture the scene:

1. Lock is flashing on the Delta ramp (the left one).
2. Ball makes it up the left ramp but stops short of entering the Borg shop and rolls back down.....

The ball can go one of two ways, it will either go back down the Delta ramp, which is what happens most often, or, occasionally the ball will find it's way down the wireform instead. When this happens, switch 83 (made left ramp) at the top of the wireform is triggered and a lock is given even though the ball is still in play.

All switches, optos and coils involved are testing fine.

Could someone test this on their machine for me to see if this is what is meant to happen? With lock lit on the left ramp, with your fingers, trigger the left ramp entrance followed by the left ramp made switch, does this give you a locked ball?

Thanks in advance.

I'm not sure that I fully understand but I'm happy to do a whatsapp call and you can talk me through it and we can get it tested.
Thanks for the offer Gonzo, but I just remembered that I have STTNG in Pinball Arcade.....so I reinstalled it and using the ball control feature I've managed to confirm that this does appear to be how it's meant to work, Jay's answer was right :)
Thanks for the offer Gonzo, but I just remembered that I have STTNG in Pinball Arcade.....so I reinstalled it and using the ball control feature I've managed to confirm that this does appear to be how it's meant to work, Jay's answer was right :)

No worries at all mate.

It is certainly a pain making that tricky delta ramp shot only to see the ball trickle back down . . . . particularly at Warp 9 😡
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