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STTNG Ball launch Wire form


Site Supporter
Jul 21, 2011
Hi group

As title suggests I'm after the bizzare shaped helter skelta ball launch wire form for sttng.

I appreciate it's a long shot and gonna be tricky to post (probably pick it up in person tbh) but if anyone has one knocking about I'd love to hear from you.

Mine looks like its been repaired by Stevie Wonder!

Thanks in advance

Hi Gaz.

I've got a nice one. In fact, I have most parts for a STTNG.

Cool, don't tell me though, there attached to your sttng and not for sale!!! Ha ha.

If your serious though mate start a conversation and we'll talk business;-)
Mine looks like its been repaired by Stevie Wonder!

He might be able to knock out a good tune but he's sh*t at pinball maintenance
He must do good business though cause I've seen quite a lot of his handiwork on a load of different pins.
ronsplooter' date=' post: 1693553 said:
He might be able to knock out a good tune but he's sh*t at pinball maintenance
He must do good business though cause I've seen quite a lot of his handiwork on a load of different pins.

Hahahahaha, brilliant. Yep, his handy work features all too often!

I now have the said requested item, I am very pleased Yet again with the great British pinball community for helping me out.
Yeah I thought I was ****ing into the wind with that one, almost didn't bother asking!

Cheers Andrew
No problem. Just let me know when you are coming for it Gaz.
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