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Shack heatwave snapshots

Sgt GrizZ

Jul 21, 2011
Ex PinballInfo Admin . MIA Brighton Hove beach
Well ......with all this heat and lovely weather haven't really spent very much time with pinball the last few weeks, but tonight fired em all up for a bit of a flip.

Here's a few snaps of the GrizZ Shack lineup as it stands right now......

Other titles currently absent from active duty in the Shack - Twilight Zone, Space Station, Dirty Harry, SeawitchDSCF4579.JPG

Looks sweet dude. I really wanna FT and WH20 next to one another! Just not ready to sell any of the line up yet to fund it. One day though ;-)
Looks great, just how hot is it in there?

Certainly been a bit toasty by end of these extreme hot days ! - def need doors and windows flung open to let a bit of a breeze in. I have a little fan as well that helps. I did consider air conditioning but to be honest once temps drop back to normal its always fine so cant really justify the expense.

I do find during the summer months I dont spend as much time on pinball anyway. Hence Robocop is still sitting in pieces 5 weeks on ....:rolleyes:
Nice room, do you concentrate on 1 pin for a few days or play several in 1 session with such a choice ?
Nice room, do you concentrate on 1 pin for a few days or play several in 1 session with such a choice ?

Cheers.Not surprisingly the latest addition(s) often gets most attention - so atm IJ and Dracula. Sometimes might go weeks without playing a title then you fire it up and are hooked again on it ....guess thats the beauty of having space for a few. When the local pinheads are round then sometimes we do winner chooses next machine to play sort of thing.

I usually have 1 machine in some state of shopping/fixing also - at the moment its Robocop. FT is still waiting a good strip down/rerubber - prob next on the list ..... unless something else arrives :rolleyes:
I was only refering to the Bally/Williams machines and of course that beautiful Tommy. ;)
Ahhh..... Ivan I was tickling the flipper buttons on your DH only today managed a fairly creditable score. See you at the show??????
regards John
Harry was a true soldier today, you would have been proud!! I think he's been in Brighton a little too long though, some very suspicious quotes coming out of that game. :oops:
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