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Complete Robocop (Data East) - mini shop

Sgt GrizZ

Jul 21, 2011
Ex PinballInfo Admin . MIA Brighton Hove beach
Finally got round to giving this a quick tidy up - topside strip, clean, rerubber, replaced some metal posts, LEDS for GI etc.

Replace centre target bank as it was battered. Fixed a few minor mechanical issues.

Just a few pics as I know you all like em.

The music and sounds on this are awesome ! Plays super fast and mean too.

"The wrecking crew is here !"


1235349_10151717922064262_477674188_n.jpg rc2.jpg
Awesome dude. I like the fact you have a few keeper machines and another you don't hold quite so dear and so use it to keep rotating. Think I might use that strategy myself now I have a buckshee taxi;-)
You didn't hang about shopping that one.
Nice work it looks sweet with the LED lighting.

Ha ! Not quite. I actually started taking some plastics off at the end of June ...then just left it all summer until last week :rolleyes: Wasn't a full shop .....I didn't take apart and clean every mech, if it was working fine it was left alone.
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