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Removing cigarette smells from machines


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Sep 22, 2016
West Dorset
Andy Hug
Hi all. Got a nice arcade cab the other day but it has a faint smell of smoke that I'd like to try to eliminate. It's a Sega Blast City and has clearly been in a Japanese arcade and chain smoked over for years. I've febreeezed the outside and have given the internals a bit of a scrub but it hasn't totally gone. Is there anything I can use to extract/absorb some of the smell? Anyone got any tips for this? Thanks
Put a car air freshener inside the cabinet. One of those tree shaped ones. Worked on my 1st pin and pool table which both stunk of fags.
There is an air freshener in it already, it's not really helping, thin I need something to remove rather than mask the smell tbh
I don't think there's any way to immediately remove the smell. It'll be deeply ingrained in the wood. You could try spraying anti-bac and/or white vinegar but I doubt that'll do much. The cigarette smells in mine dissappeared after about 3 or 4 months.
Well the cab is made of plastic but even so, the grime over the years has gotten to it. I'm thinking about taking it apart and priming and spraying black the internal shell to help. I'd heard that you can use activated charcoal as a kind of smell absorber as well.
Ahh ok, that's a bit different then. You could try cleaning it with bicarbonate soda or soda crystals. But keep it away from metal and alluminium.
Yeah I think that's what I'm going to try next. I've heard bicarb solution left on for a while and then cleaned off with a vinegar water solution gets good results. It's really not so bad, I'm just fussy with these things
With both of my astro city cabinets I completely stripped them and split the cabinet in half then took them into the garden where I coveted them inside and outhe with flash kitchen cleaner, then blasted them down with a hose pipe. You could see all the old nicotine and grime melting off the cabinets :-S
Haha I like your style. I have considered a similar approach. Did it get rid of the smell?
Haha I like your style. I have considered a similar approach. Did it get rid of the smell?

Yes the cabinet smelled great afterwards.
The monitor still has a bit of a smell as I just gave that a quick wipe in the safe easy areas to wipe
Get the dog to **** in it - that would mask the smell? Other than that, I'm fresh out of ideas :sad:
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