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Putting a spin on things


10 Years
Mar 11, 2013
Newbridge South Wales
If this is the stupidest question ever I apologize.I have only played a handfull of pinball machines ,basically the few I have owned and the odd arcade machine. My T2 balls seem to have a mind of their own,seemingly worse in this hot weather.Assuming its ballspin and maybe the hot rubbers are causing more than normal maybe....is lots of spin a good thing or a bad thing? ie the ball seeming to have its own warped mind. What I mean is is it the sign of a machine in good order or is too much spin a bad thing....I am assuming its spin but its more as if the ball is reacting off magnets...that aren't on T2. btw playfield is leveled properly and machine in good order though probably due a little playfield clean.
Never noticed any differance with any of my machines in hot weather.
Some machines are worse than others for ball spin.
And is it a good thing ? Not in my book, its like the randoness of the ball being attacked by magnets. You just don't know whats going to happen next. Does it take skill to overcome this, No no luck than anything else, you are at the mercy of Lady Luck and we all know what a bitch she can be during a game of pinball.
Maybe you could be due for a ball change, go for the premium ones, it could make the differance.
Wonder if this hit weather has caused the playfield to swell, and some of the inserts are now raised slightly. When the inserts aren't completely flush that can cause all sorts of erotic ball movement.
Never noticed any differance with any of my machines in hot weather.
Some machines are worse than others for ball spin.
And is it a good thing ? Not in my book, its like the randoness of the ball being attacked by magnets. You just don't know whats going to happen next. Does it take skill to overcome this, No no luck than anything else, you are at the mercy of Lady Luck and we all know what a bitch she can be during a game of pinball.
Maybe you could be due for a ball change, go for the premium ones, it could make the differance.
Only just noticed that for some reason some of my post is missing from above.
If your machine has white rubbers then change them for black that should help cutting down on the spin also if you have red (pink) flipper rubbers change those for black also. Hopefully thats should help cut down on the spin.
and there was me thinking lots of spin and wayward balls was a good thing....quite surprised it isn't....for some strange reason I convinced myself it added to the fun
Spin is good for fun but if you are one of the one who must have control to score lots of points then spin is not fun.
For me I like to have fun but to many people seem to take playing pinball to serious and want to compete for points.
Everyone to there own.
Having fun sound much better.
Funs good.....as long as its my name on the highscore rather than the misses :)...which it was until last week...I have kept the garage door closed and a lower temp and the spin is nowhere near as bad as last night...guess it must be the rubbers...all my timing was out too...couldn't hit a thing all night. Out of interest whats a decent score on T2?
Tron is one of the best games for ball spin in my opinion.

It's amazing when the ball comes rocketing out of the disc, stops, reverses and then shoots back up one of the ramps, or more annoyingly dives straight down the left outlane.

The rubber pad in the disc needs to be kept clean for it to do this though.
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