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Wanted Project pin


10 Years
Jan 3, 2013
Hi all,

Should be getting some money though at the end of the month so looking to get a new project pin. needs to be a ss machine preferably a DMD one. Not too fussed about the amount of work needed (big or small) and could probably spend up to 1K on a machine.

I know everyone is always looking for project pins but its worth a try :)

does anyone have a machine they are willing to let go?? ( i would love a Junkyard, South Park, TFTC or Radical if anyone had one!)
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i have a Gorgar that i took up to NLP, worked fine when it got there but at some point over the weekend it stopped and gave up. 700 as is for a quick sale, or i'll be trying to fix it myself and asking more
i have a Gorgar that i took up to NLP, worked fine when it got there but at some point over the weekend it stopped and gave up. 700 as is for a quick sale, or i'll be trying to fix it myself and asking more

cheers for the offer, Gorgar has never interested me really. good luck fixing it
i have a Gorgar that i took up to NLP, worked fine when it got there but at some point over the weekend it stopped and gave up. 700 as is for a quick sale, or i'll be trying to fix it myself and asking more

Hey Dan, What sort of condition is it in?
Bump :) I really want a new project pin, my partner has got into watching love island and big brother so I need something fun to do in the evening!!
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