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Found it! Project Addams Family

Fintan Stack

Jul 22, 2011
Lyme Regis
Hi Gang

I have had the urge recently to get another TAF. I don't know why. I hadn't really thought about it since I sold mine a while ago but now I must have one as soon as possible!!!! :rolleyes::rofl:

Anyway I have no money and no space. I'm also already in the **** with Mrs. Stack for a frivolous purchase no so long ago.
So basically -
  • I can't afford it.
  • I have no room for it.
  • I may end up single.

But I thought I'd ask anyway. You know.... Just in case!

Has anyone got a projecty type TAF they want to shift? Something that needs a bit of love.


PS. If anyone has a project MR & MRS PAC-MAN or BLACK HOLE or SKATEBALL or SPACE SHUTTLE then I might be interested. I've got no money, no room and I may end up single but, you know... just thought I'd ask ;)
Haha, I fully relate to this.

I have no room and no money for Pinball right now - yet still I went and asked the local club about a busted up Pin they had outside.

It's a bloomin illness I tell you - but what's worse it the missus encouraged me to do it.
I figured as she's encouraged it then she has no argument if it comes to fruition.

No word back from them as yet but they did say it might be a few days.
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