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Pinballs near Manchester


Apr 26, 2018
Hey guys,
I am heading to Arcade club in Bury this weekend for a YouTube meet up with mates. I will have quite a bit of time to kill on the Saturday day time so wondered, as the title suggests, of known pinball machines around the area (since the pins there are crap).
Checking the pin location website, I see a Iron maiden in a pub in the centre. Can anyone confirm this? Although that website is good, it won't be the first time I've drove to a place to find the pin removed.

I was thinking about driving down to Tilt, but it may be a little far as I will have driven 4.5hrs down from Scotland already the day before.

Any help guys would be appreciated.
Not been in a few months but there used to be a couple in Crazy Pedro's Northern Quarter, one in Corbières, one in BrewDog, one in Twenty Twenty Two and a couple in Fab Cafe (which I think might have been removed last time I went but can't remember for sure)
Yeah, in addition to the ones mentioned above (Pedros, Corbieres, Brewdog) there’s an Iron Maiden Pro in The Dockyard. It’s definitely there as I can see it from my window at work!
Yeah, in addition to the ones mentioned above (Pedros, Corbieres, Brewdog) there’s an Iron Maiden Pro in The Dockyard. It’s definitely there as I can see it from my window at work!
Haha, if you work Saturdays, I will wave to you from it ?
Barry Parsons usually operates quite a few machines in M/cr - I can provide his contact details. Also the Fab Café also used to have a decent machine or two! Steve
Yeah, the Pedros in the Northern Quarter is the one you want. The Pedros near the Dockyard had an AC/DC but now has nothing.
Yeah, in addition to the ones mentioned above (Pedros, Corbieres, Brewdog) there’s an Iron Maiden Pro in The Dockyard. It’s definitely there as I can see it from my window at work!
Shame it's not the Dockyard facing my work!
Would you mind reporting back what state the pins at Arcade club are in, I suspect they’re still utter gash
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