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Pin wanted, up to 2k, be gentle....

Glad you found what your looking for, hope you're happy with it. Time to start looking for your second pin now!
Ahhh, no. I only have room for one, and it's for casual use for me and my bar guests,so fingers crossed I wont need another. I'm not a serious hobbyist like you lads, just wanted a fun one for my mates to enjoy once I've knocked them out of the poker!
Ahhh, no. I only have room for one, and it's for casual use for me and my bar guests,so fingers crossed I wont need another. I'm not a serious hobbyist like you lads, just wanted a fun one for my mates to enjoy once I've knocked them out of the poker!
That's how most of us started, only wanting 1 machine.

I got my first one home and said to my wife it's like having a PS4 and only 1 game to play on it.
Make sure you have these settings for maximum enjoyment:

Just gives it more flow as a game. Also useful to know you can skip cutscenes quickly by pressing all four flipper buttons simultaneously.
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