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Sold (or trade) The Shadow £1850


i like pizza
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Ealing, London
hi guys, i'm offering up for sale or trade my very lovely Shadow, valued at £1850

i'm aware that this is pricey, they probably average about £1300-1400 - and that that if you get lucky, you may pick one up for as little as £1000, but the cheaper ones, if you can find one, tend to need a lot of time and money invested in them to get them looking nice, and some parts, like the playfield, can never be restored to as nice as this. this one came from TV's Will Barber, this was his third Shadow as he kept upgrading them til he ended up with this one, which was his 'keeper' (i know, i know). so i was surprised when it came up for sale, and less surprised when i found out that it was leaving to fund an *even nicer* one, that was his "definite keeper" (and which he recently sold here on the forum at a loss, for around £2500 i think). i bought it over a year ago for £1000 plus SP, so you can see that i'm not interested in trying to turn a profit. i won't mention the price again, it is what it is, and i'm unlikely to reduce it, as i know it's worth the money, and i love playing it so am in no rush to say goodbye.

Here is a short video of me booting it up:

and here's a whole bunch of pictures (20 here, 20 in next post):
The Shadow sale pics (19).JPG
The Shadow sale pics (20).JPG
The Shadow sale pics (1).JPG
The Shadow sale pics (2).JPG
The Shadow sale pics (3).JPG
The Shadow sale pics (4).JPG
The Shadow sale pics (5).JPG
The Shadow sale pics (6).JPG
The Shadow sale pics (7).JPG
The Shadow sale pics (8).JPG
The Shadow sale pics (18).JPG
The Shadow sale pics (9).JPG
The Shadow sale pics (10).JPG
The Shadow sale pics (11).JPG
The Shadow sale pics (12).JPG
The Shadow sale pics (13).JPG
The Shadow sale pics (14).JPG
The Shadow sale pics (15).JPG
The Shadow sale pics (16).JPG
The Shadow sale pics (17).JPG

see below for pics 21-40
next lot below:
The Shadow sale pics (21).JPG
The Shadow sale pics (22).JPG
The Shadow sale pics (23).JPG
The Shadow sale pics (24).JPG
The Shadow sale pics (25).JPG
The Shadow sale pics (26).JPG
The Shadow sale pics (27).JPG
The Shadow sale pics (28).JPG
The Shadow sale pics (29).JPG
The Shadow sale pics (30).JPG
The Shadow sale pics (31).JPG
The Shadow sale pics (32).JPG
The Shadow sale pics (33).JPG
The Shadow sale pics (34).JPG
The Shadow sale pics (35).JPG
The Shadow sale pics (36).JPG
The Shadow sale pics (37).JPG
The Shadow sale pics (38).JPG
The Shadow sale pics (39).JPG
The Shadow sale pics (40).JPG

known problems:
1 the latch attaching the backbox got broken, but is supplied and is fixable (pictured)
2 a few scratches on the playfield at the top of the red scarf (pictured)
3 minimal wear to inlanes (pictured)
3 this game is really difficult

in terms of trades, just let me know what you have. you are welcome to come and see and play it, and i can take extra pics if needed. ask here in the forum or by pm or via yahoo group or facebook or danielbradford@doctors.org.uk or by phone or text on 07730 656414

located West London. i can organise delivery via Martin for £85

do yourself a favour, get a lovely game you can enjoy immediately.

I'm confused - where/how do you get a pinball 'valued' and what is 'SP' and does it cost £850 or am I missing the point ?
sorry, when i said "valued at £1850" i meant valued by me, so others know where i stand if they want to suggest a trade.

SP is South Park, you'll be lucky to get one for £850 nowadays. i only mentioned it to show that i'm not adding on a load of money to the sale price, as many do. i've enjoyed it but need the space and the money, so i'm selling it for what i bought it for.

you can't get games valued, they're worth what someone is willing to pay, but a really minty Shadow can't be more than £3K, and a piece of crap may be a grand, so we all price our games according to the market, how they compare to other examples of the same title. the title sets the price range, then it just comes down to how nice the game is. this one is a peach.
he is the Tart that organises the South Coast Slam along with the Grizzzzz, all of his keepers he normally flips with in seconds of buying them to get another 'keeper'. an all round likeable chap that is going bald with a out of proportion size head.
I think that covers it. :cool:
oh and he normally gets on the Tele when promoting the 'Slam'.
Best quote was when I met for the first time mooseman of the group at Geoffs wrdding, and he asked me what the TV''s bit stood for? He thought it might have been transvestite lol... I explained that only happens on a Friday ;)
That shadow is a beauty , nice pinball heaven refurb.

Is this still for sale?

How about £1500 cash? (or via Bank Transfer if you're not close enough for me to come and give you pound notes?)
What are you looking for trade wise?
I have ronsplooters STTNG coming up for trade soon. Very nice also.

Sent from my totally useless
iPhone using Tapatalk
tradewise, pretty much anything i haven't had or got (see my signature - i've got a STTNG) may take my fancy, but definitely a player rather than a minter, and with no known issues so i can just set it up and start playing it. preferably DMD, but i'll consider Bally/Williams, Stern, Sega, DE, Gottlieb etc

the price is fixed for a cash sale, there may be a little flexibility when it comes to a trade, as you may value your game a certain way, and all i'll have to base its value on (unless you're close enough for me to visit, or i know someone who's played it) is pics/vids, market value for that title, your reputation, and how much i want it.

take a look at my want list in my signature also, though is by no means fixed or restricted.
Sorry mate. Tapatalk at the mo so can't see sigs.i only own one at a time so in put. Lol
Good luck with the sale/trade

Sent from my totally useless
iPhone using Tapatalk
no worries Wayne, this is what's currently on the wanted list, but i am pretty easily persuadable, so unless all you have is an XFiles, i may be interested

Interesting - the guy selling the machine posts a reply to someone else, but not to my offer of hard cash. The guy who recommeded that I come post in here said you were a reasonable bloke. Maybe he was wrong. Even a polite "no thanks" would've been acceptable. You don't want to sell it for cash, that's fine with me. There's another coming up in a few months that's being shopped at the moment that will be going for £1300 - £1500 and will be in mint condition, I just didn't want to wait.

Not exactly a great first experience of this forum.
Interesting - the guy selling the machine posts a reply to someone else, but not to my offer of hard cash. The guy who recommeded that I come post in here said you were a reasonable bloke. Maybe he was wrong. Even a polite "no thanks" would've been acceptable. You don't want to sell it for cash, that's fine with me. There's another coming up in a few months that's being shopped at the moment that will be going for £1300 - £1500 and will be in mint condition, I just didn't want to wait.

Not exactly a great first experience of this forum.


I'm a little confused here....

So you asked....


Is this still for sale?

How about £1500 cash? (or via Bank Transfer if you're not close enough for me to come and give you pound notes?)

And as far as i can see the reply was a few responses later....

tradewise, pretty much anything i haven't had or got (see my signature - i've got a STTNG) may take my fancy, but definitely a player rather than a minter, and with no known issues so i can just set it up and start playing it. preferably DMD, but i'll consider Bally/Williams, Stern, Sega, DE, Gottlieb etc

the price is fixed for a cash sale, there may be a little flexibility when it comes to a trade, as you may value your game a certain way, and all i'll have to base its value on (unless you're close enough for me to visit, or i know someone who's played it) is pics/vids, market value for that title, your reputation, and how much i want it.

take a look at my want list in my signature also, though is by no means fixed or restricted.

I understand your frustration, however I cant see how what dan said was unclear - it covered all questions in one post - the one from Wayne (who was discussing this before you came along with your offer) and yours... In fact to be honest it's one of the clearer post i have seen.

And as much as I usually wouldn't go out of my way to get involved, Dan is one of the most helpful involved (if annoying at times ;) ) guys on here - he set his machine out, has made it as clear as possible as soon as possible on price, and then still gets criticised...

Not exactly a great first experience of this forum.

Not even going to grace that with a comment.....
I'm a little confused here....

Well let me explain a bit further and then you may just see what I'm on about.

I posted a formal offer to the guy selling the pin - I got a response from who I can only assume is his appointed mouthpiece (I say this as he's replied again) rather than a reply from the guy himself.

Now, if the actual guy himself hadn't posted in the thread, you could assume that he hadn't seen my post for whatever reason and therefore not getting a reply would be acceptable, however the fact that he has posted in this thread but couldn't be bothered to just even say "no thanks" is just plain rude in my book.

I own 3 businesses and if I treated my customers like that, I wouldn't have them for very long.

Does this explain my frustration to you and do you now understand?

Not even going to grace that with a comment.....

That is completely up to you - I was recommended to come onto this forum by a guy I was speaking to about pins last week. He knew I wanted a Shadow and recommeded that I look at this link. He said the guy in question was nice enough although in his opinion the machine was overpriced.

I know this is a forum for owners wishing to discuss things and this particular bit is for individuals to sell/trade between each other, but I would like to point out that common courtesy goes a long way, especially to someone who is obviously a new member here. How do I know what the guy posting is like? Also how does the other guy know that the person selling hasn't changed his mind and will actually accept whatever offer has been put? Shouldn't he let the guy answer himself?

I know what I would have done, if the situation had been reversed. I would have replied and either said, YES, NO or How about £xxx? Just plain ignoring the offer is just plain rude.

I am still interested in getting hold of a Shadow, but at the right price. The guy in question is totally free to ask for any price that he wants, although (and especially bearing in mind this machine is at least 3rd hand) I am also free to make an offer to what I think a) the machine is worth to me and b) what I am willing to pay. I have a set budget for what I feel one of these is worth, to me personally.

One final thing, if you read the last line of his original post, it says "unlikely to reduce it" - if that's not asking for people to put in an offer, what is?
I'm not his spokesman I'm just stating if you read back through all the comments he says the cash price is fixed but is open to trades. But by all means carry on and troll. I was trying to help because you were unable to read sheesh!

Dan is one of the good guys
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