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Not at NLP/PlayExpo?


10 Years
Feb 12, 2013
Aldershot, UK
Bit quiet on here today. I guess all the usual suspects are having a bloody good time at NLP. Either that or they're still stuck in the queue waiting to get in...

But for those of us left behind, what else are you up to on this fine Saturday afternoon?

I've been to Asda. Dear god, never again during the day. But nearby was Maplin and I got some more tips for my new soldering station. And this afternoon I'm going to fix the corrosion on my Bally MPU.
I'm not there too :) Although I was there last night to drop a pin off, which was a cluster**** of an experience including being late home because of fire alarms at the uni, so late starting the journey to drop the pin off, damaging the pin cab in the process, car breaking down multiple times on the way home, M6 south down to one lane for about 3 miles on the way home, Junction 16 closed (which is the one I wanted to take) on the way home. Got home at 11.45 last night, which blows ****. So, today I went to the pub for lunch, then cut my front hedge :)
I'm not there and am away at work instead. I enjoyed last year and no doubt would have been back again but tbh I preferred NERG. Though I may get stoned for saying so.
Unfortunately I couldn't make it either.

I've spent the afternoon getting stuff in order for a new kitchen, played a bit of Forza Horizons 2 and then went upstairs and polished the lockdown bar for R&B up a little. I only do it in 30 minute bursts because leaning over all the time absolutely kills my back. Bar is now looking a lot better and all of the yellow discolouration has gone. Back plate for the pin needs putting back on the bench again too and then that will hopefully be done.

I'm still waiting for my spare cabinet to turn up but if the sender has used Martin to ship it then his recent van woes could well explain why it's not showed up yet.
So, today I went to the pub for lunch, then cut my front hedge

After that evening, i probably would've stayed in the pub...

Not going due to a funeral.

On a positive note, a soon-to-be-mine Spiderman will be there for others to enjoy.
Not able to make it either...

SWL pinball club last night.

Judo Club this morning, deliver JM this afternoon.

Tomorrow - Judo instructor renewal course - a must attend event or they'll revoke my coaching badge ! :eek:
Not able to get away but used yesterday to mend the cannon on AC/DC. The boys now rock again
Spent the afternoon working on one of the MPU boards from my Big Box of Bally Boards. Removed all the components that had been tinged with corrosion, then sanded off all the corroded solder with the Dremel. Quite surprised to see several ground lines open circuit where the copper had been completely eaten through. Surprised because the board still worked! I think the lines are part of either the input or output lines so probably didn't affect the CPU or memory but probably half the solenoids wouldn't work if it was put back into a game.
Ooh! Ooh! Folks have started arriving home from NLP! There's some life once more on PinballInfo ;)
Was raving all night with the North Wales Free Party Crew, what more can I say, Techno rules followed by pinball a close second ;)
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