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New General sales forum...


Staff member
Oct 5, 2012
South Wales
OK so I have a garage full of both Arcade and non arcade crap.
I figured that, whilst I didn't want to water the number of forums down any more by adding one more, I also didn't really want to pay Extortionate end-of-auction fees.

And so the "General - Sales/Wanted/Trade" forum is Born.

This is the ideal place for those Odds and sods that You dont really wanna throw on Ebay, or out for the binmen, however might be of use to someone... From Beer Fridges to Stools and Tables... As long as it's not illegal and as long as you dont treat it too much like a Car boot and start selling Novels and Old babys crusty toys then all will be good ;)

So - I fully intend Personally to add all sorts of crap in here over the next couple of weeks as i try to tidy up... If someone wants it then cool - if not I'll end up Facebook grouping/Ebaying anyhow, however it's also a good place to list all your stuff before putting it on Gumtree or wherever...

So - One thing tho - you must put prices on all the stuff you are selling (None of this "inbox me" crap PURL-EASE... ;) )

Come take a look... :)


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