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New arrival in the den


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10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
F14 Tomcat. Love it.

image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg

Babysitting this one for a friend. **** knows why cos I've got 2 I can't even fit in.

Anyone wanna babysit blackout until the slam ??

And anyone got any F14 spares. In particular in/out lane divider plastic for the right hand side and a display.
Insert decals also needed.

It's airballtastic at the moment thanks to some seriously raised inserts.

Was only £350 though so it'll be alright as a players machine.
Ah the most evil machine ever made! I want to like it, but it always kicks my **** without fail in the league meets. Sounds like you got a good deal though
It's quick as hell. Pretty much unplayable until those inserts are levelled though.

Cheers Deano. I'm more of an alphanumeric kinda guy. Although I have a pining for a DMD at the mo.
Cheers Deano. I'm more of an alphanumeric kinda guy. Although I have a pining for a DMD at the mo.

I love them too Dude. They suit the 'just have a quick blast on the pins' way I tend to play on a daily basis. I like a long, deeper game as much as the next guy but you cannot beat a few quick games on machines like Whirlwind and Taxi etc etc. Just classic, timeless fun.
very nice, but think it would be better with a nice dmd machine :), gotta have a bit of variety
Not sure! Really don't have the room and have the worst track record ever for actually finishing any project I start. (Just ask Paul :eek:)
But I do miss my Funhouse more than any other game I have ever parted with. :(
I've dropped you a text Deano. Dunno if you're still on that number

No Dude! Got a new number these days. Had to give my old phone back to work after my (hopefully) early midlife crisis which resulted in me jacking my job in and moving 200 miles away to live with the seagulls. :eek:

I'll PM you my new one.
No Dude! Got a new number these days. Had to give my old phone back to work after my (hopefully) early midlife crisis which resulted in me jacking my job in and moving 200 miles away to live with the seagulls. :eek:

I'll PM you my new one.

Jobs are over-rated anyway :)
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