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my stern star trek

Eric Evans

10 Years
Aug 29, 2011
anyone have any ideas why my st drains in the middle of play everything seems to work fine except the machine thinks the ball has drained now and again??
Do you mean the game resets, scores back to zero, or that the flippers suddenly die? Or is is after you hit a certain switch, it thinks you hit the outlane / trough? Does it definitely have the right number of balls in it?

Hopefully someone will come along after me who isn't a clueless numpty
First thing if a ball is ending early is check the trough switches / optos
Sterns have a problem with the troughs. Slide the connectors off both the sides of the trough and put them back on. They oxidise over time and give false readings. You might need to do this a couple of tiems but it should stop the issue. It's a 10 second job.

I've had this on AC/DC and Metallica a few times. Not a big deal but it's a pain that they've never dealt with it.
It means it's broken, knackered beyond repair, FUBAR! And is now going to give you years of trouble, whilst bankrupting you in the cost of spare parts and Andy Netherwood's time. Imagine the scene: you, your family, your dog, and this sorry blighter of a machine sitting out in the streets in the rain - nothing to eat, no roof over your head?! It's not going to keep you warm and dry when the winter hits is it?

Fortunately, I'm here!! I'm willing, as a one off opportunity, to take on this risk and do you the favour of buying the machine from you. So your choice is a life of misery, destitution, divorce, and a cold, wet dog; or a joyful existence bathing in bundles of £20 notes? What's it to be?
thanks guys think its sorted now, trough side connector was half in but without someone guiding me in the right direction wouldnt have known where to look,lol nice try
jt but i am future proof just picked up a 20ft container and 16 solar panels for the problems ahead.
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