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Mandatory Vaccines for NHS Workers ??


Oct 26, 2014
Remember how, until recently, thousands of NHS workers were just weeks away from being fired for not taking the covid vaccines ?

Well now the NHS is hiring folk to process the claims of folk damaged by the vaccines !!!

"An opportunity has arisen for multiple Caseworker postswithin the Vaccine Damage Payment Team, part of our Primary Care Services Directorate."

You really could not make this stuff up ...

"Caseworker" https://www.jobs.nhs.uk/xi/vacancy/917036734
I see the NHS have a similar weird policy to teaching that you are meant to tell your current employer before applying for another position.

Maybe it makes more sense if you apply for something within the same “firm” but I got bollocked a while back for not asking permission before getting an interview at another school. At the same time if you apply for other roles you are then seen as not being committed and/or a team player.

The whole public sector recruitment process really needs to be dragged into the 21st century .
You really could not make this stuff up ...
I always wonder about the poverty of imagination that must exist in order for someone to say this phrase without feeling a bit odd for it.
It's super easy to imagine that more staff to process an elevated number of claims that are now coming in especially as a result of COVID. It's also easy to imagine that not all of them have merit and in the current anti-vax atmosphere, that maybe many of the increased number of requests are spurious and caused by someone with a political agenda. Maybe, maybe not, that's why they need people to handle the claims correctly...

It's a bit like when requests for FOIA are made to the FDA, and people point fingers saying 'they won't release the documents, they're delaying on purpose!!!' and somehow seem to forget to mention that there's only so fast you can ask a small office (those behind the FDA's FOIA requests) to handle and process half a million pages for release, on top of all other normal work. I wonder why they'd forget to mention such a fact? https://www.reuters.com/legal/gover...asten-release-pfizer-vaccine-docs-2022-01-07/

Which of course proves that yes, people do in fact imagine many different ways to 'make this stuff up'.
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