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Local Pin Found: Hurrah!


10 Years
Apr 7, 2013
I'd been a little sad lately that all of the pinballs locally seemed to had vanished.

I was therefore really pleased when someone at work sent me this photo.


It turns out that it's in a local bar and it's in fully working order and in use. Looks like an operator logo maybe at the bottom so I might have to take a trip down and investigate. Maybe they've got pins sited elsewhere.

The real kicker here is that I told my missus about it and she said 'Yeah, I know. It's been there years.'.

I won't repeat what I said under my breath...... ;-)
Do you have an HMV in Grimsby? They've started putting Pins in some shops. We have 2 in the York store last time i checked - although this picture is 3months old now.


None in Birmingham's Bullring though.

Can't say i have any need to go in an HMV any more - what with this 'internet shopping' and all.
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i've never seen or played one, but the rep isn't particularly good for 24.
still, in the world of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

your missus sounds like mine, ie. completely unsupportive of your hobby :(
i've never seen or played one, but the rep isn't particularly good for 24.
still, in the world of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

It did come out during that dodgy run of Stern titles 24/NBA/CSI/BBH ...........no expense spared on playfield toys, plastic soldiers straight from the pound shop :rofl:

Played it a bit at 2009 Show. Seemed 'ok'. I'd happily drop some coins in it.
your missus sounds like mine, ie. completely unsupportive of your hobby :(
Well in this case i'm letting her get away with it because she's already agreed we will have somewhere at the new house (when we finally move) for the pinballs (note plural). It may well mean they end up in the garage but that's fine with me as once they're located there i'll be getting funds together to have it lagged and converted into a proper gaming room. The car can stay on the driveway for me.

I'll take a trip up to play the 24 at some point I suspect; if only to broaden my exposure to pinball and to draw my own conclusion. It's great to get a variety of tables to play on and i've never seen a 24 as yet.
Finally got to play "24" this year. Erm, not a good pin......:mad::mad::mad:

Bland, uninspiring and the toy really is one of those Woolies plastic soldiers!

Good to see a pin in a pub but can't see this one getting anyone into the scene
Really wasn't impressed with 24 when it first came out and we got to play it at one of the Monster Meets. Since played it in competition (EPC in Sweden) and liked the game. Put a few more games on one at the Dutch Open which were ok and so I'd rate it as an okay game, play one if I see it but I'll probably not collect one any time soon unless I get offered a bargain. :cool:
Do you have an HMV in Grimsby? They've started putting Pins in some shops. We have 2 in the York store last time i checked - although this picture is 3months old now.

View attachment 4972

None in Birmingham's Bullring though.

Can't say i have any need to go in an HMV any more - what with this 'internet shopping' and all.

Eric from Paisley Pinball puts these on site with HMV he operates from Glasgow area so I think york is probably his cut off point
There's an HMV in Grimsby but I have no idea what's in there as I never venture into town. But as damo says I think it's unlikely.

Ho hun, one bad Pin is still better than none at all I guess. And besides the lack of them just gives me a good reason to hoard more at home; once I have room that is of course. ;)
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