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learning a new skill


Apr 21, 2014
Hi guys and girls...

I'm based in Hampshire and I was wondering if there's anyone local who's shopping / refurbing any '92 / '93 bally table.. I have a TAF but I'm a little apprehensive to take it apart / clean / fix parts etc.. (First table). So I'd like to see a professional /practically anyone else with more knowledge than me and learn the 'pinball' ropes...


Welcome Bayaz/Noel,

Clean and polish is actually quite straight forward - just think of it as a large Mechano set...
There's plenty of people on here who have been in the same situation and simple stuff like this is the first step to pinball ownership....

There's also lots of people on here who are are always willing to help and give guidance...

Welcome noel.

Just so folks know, are you wanting someone to come to your house to do the work or could you deliver it to someone so they can do the work at their place?
stripping cleaning and rebuilding a playfield is more than a days work so probably easier off site is u could deliver.
Other guys here will offer lots of advise

Hi Noel,
Go for it! I have just started to work on my pins myself and it really is not so bad as you think. Just remember to take lots of photo's before you take anything apart and have lots of plastic trays to keep all the screws etc in. (I use the trays my take-aways come in as they have lids).
Once you get going you will probably find it quite enjoyable and when you see your pin all nice and shiny you can treat yourself to a well earned beer while looking on this forum for your first project!
Get stuck in Noel. There are plenty of people on here who will give you advice if you have specific questions.

If you can upload pictures of what you're doing and where you're up to then it also helps.

I was totally new to Pinball up until about a year ago and the folks on here have been an absolutely huge help.
Cheers guys for the support, I'm just gonna have to bite the bullet and go for it... The last time I did any soldering was many many moon's ago... But it will be worth it... I'll upload some pics once I get going!
Good to hear your going for it.
Look forward to the progress report.
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