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Just for fun can you name all these pinballs?


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May 28, 2015
Image borrowed from coin op king on Facebook
Can you name them all?
Think I’m about 3 short
These are the only ones I'm unsure of. I could probably google the We're Watching You.
it was the top left one that had me for a few mins.

2 of those 4 have their names written on them, albeit not in the best resolution.

I happen to own the 'we are watching you' one, so that helped :)
Managed to discover what the We Are Watching You is. I never would have guessed that in a million years. That's one you either know or you don't. Quite an uncommon game. Still stumped on the other three. Resolution is too low to read them.
Yep that got me too!
Bottom left second row is possible to work out? Other two you either know or you didn’t, and I didn’t
Ahhh yeah....bottom second row is easy actually. For some reason I was thinking funfairs. Top one I'm thinking is a duplicate of another in the photo but with altenate decals?
Oh, got the top one now. Just that one on the bottom row now. That's going to drive me crazy for the rest of the day. Need to get some work done lol
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Oh, got the top one now. Just that one on the bottom row now. That's going to drive me crazy for the rest of the day. Need to get some work done lol
I'll trade you the one on the bottom row for the we are watching you one - that the only one I can't get :rofl:
Looking at the top left hand side I was impressed that someone had bothered to group them roughly alphabetically.

Think it was just coincidence though.
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