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JPOP - end game?

But what went so wrong so quickly from just a few weeks ago?

In a word - Predator

That got people asking searching questions and started bringing fantasy back to reality, probably also had a few refunds demanded (thanks to Predator) and suddenly found that there wasn't sufficient funds to cover the promises to completion...
And he paid himself $90000 a year to doodle away at designing ( Brandes saw the books ) . Shocking really. Fairly big law suit lined up against him so he may not get away with it.
Sucks ass so much, that this has happened again.... I just hope all involved get some money back, I know a few UK guys have had cash back from the skit-b debacle ( alas I am not one of them ) so there may still be hope if enough get together ,
so the prepayment malarkey is now in a titanium box,welded shut,and burried six feet under(where it should be).Hopefully now back to normality of paying for your stuff when it's actually MADE!
Hope all people out of pocket get recompensed
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