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If your machine was @ NLP please read


Aug 10, 2011
Firstly,many thanks from all of us in the NLP Crew,for you kindly letting the machines be at our show - without them it quite simply would not happen - you rock :thumbs:

Most I know do this,but if it is the first time a pin of yours has been out to a show I would check a few things:-

It is remotely possible during handling for the main power cable to be damaged - especially on older games where it can't be pushed back in the hole,or have cable removed like JJ or bally/wms games - just give it the quick once over.

check in the bottom of your cab for ANY metal bits - this could be screws that have worked loose or even money put in by people who do not realise they were on free play.Ya don't want something shorting out do you?If you find screws/bolts have a quick look.They may have been on the bottom anyway,but make sure nowt has worked loose.

Seen this a few times - the backbox circuit board screws working loose in transit due to vibrations.Just a quick tighten check will suffice.If loose it CAN cause resets and the like.

Check your leg bolts threads aren't damaged

whilst you are at it just have a quick look at the batteries,see my other post on why:)

If this is common sense to most,I appologise,just wanna help those out that may be unaware of these things
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