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Ice...avoid it if you can


Site Supporter
Jul 24, 2011
North West UK
Slipped and fell in the ice earlier in the week, while holding a coffee cup. Cup cracked when I hit the ground, causing the following mess:


It took three hours for me to get seen by the Dr at A&E, largely due to the fact that the place was full of clowns like myself who'd injured themselves in the ice, by which time the wound was starting to heal up. The Dr decided to re-open the wound to check for shards of porcelain, before sending me off for an X-Ray and then giving me a local anaesthetic and doing his sewing magic. If you find yourself in this position at A&E, then I recommend bribing the Dr not to dig around your wound with medical pliers before the application of anaesthetic or high strength drugs...
Ouch!! I've certain had a couple of comedy slides walking to and from work this week but, thankfully, nothing like your trip! Have you been signed off the pinball for a week?

Thats going to leave an interesting scar. You'll be able to tell people you got helping an old lady by fighting off a gang of muggers
Seriously though, that looks really painful. Hope it heals up soon and doesn't give you too much grief.
damn that does look nasty. i hope your right handed mate as that does look like it may take some time to heal?

ice is a nightmare. it has a nasty habit of sending you ass over *** in the fraction of a second.

i hit a patch of ice on my first motorbike years ago the first week i had it.

all i remember was the bang of my lid hitting the road. never went out in minus conditions on a bike after that hard 1st lesson.

hope it heals soon mate!

I'm right handed fortunately, and the para-codeine is doing a job when it comes to any feeling in it, but as my younger brother sagely observed, "that's going to play havoc with your mouse in one hand, cock in the other, internet porn browsing technique"...
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