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Sold HUO IRON MAN £ 3250


Site Supporter
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
I bought this NIB from Germany. Been in my house ever since it came out of the box. Lovely condition, plays great. I have 3 more em games coming so got to make space unfortunately. This has been my favourite SS pin I have ever owned. It's a tough game, very addictive. Never even got GC on it!

Photos are here. I can never work out how to upload them on here.


It's an original IM, so screen printed cabinet and different trim on the head.

Some extras include - plastic protectors, magnets had mylar protectors from day 1, speaker inserts and colour changing speaker lights, cliffy protectors, a fair few Led's, apron cards from Germany, pop bumper art reactor kit.

Pm for photos of anything or any other questions.
Think I will try ebay - higher price than here for obvious reasons.
Genuinely will miss it more than any game sold before. No game builds up adrenalin so fast.
Had a Metallica which was also a great game. But, I really do need space so not looking at any trades, although family want AFM back!
On ebay and would probably knock off another 100 quid or so.
There's an ex site one just popped up on eBay with a smashed ramp and a nail holding the protector to the playfield :eek:

Makes this HUO minter look a good deal
There's an ex site one just popped up on eBay with a smashed ramp and a nail holding the protector to the playfield :eek:

Makes this HUO minter look a good deal

That's the ar5eh0le from Hove again, describes every one of his machines like they are better than new, when they are usually turds.

The is one here is a much better deal, can't beat HUO for this sort of money
If someone wants to buy my Metallica Pro for £3750 I'll have IM off you ;)
Well. Metallica is a top 10 game now, Pinball Heaven sold out, a new pro is going to be £4600 at least so if you have nice huo, no reason not to be £3750.
But, collector market is changing with PPS and VE models etc etc.
As for other Iron Man on ebay, you would think he would put a new ramp on the game!!!
That's the ar5eh0le from Hove again, describes every one of his machines like they are better than new, when they are usually turds.
The is one here is a much better deal, can't beat HUO for this sort of money
without wanting to detract from @Replay's thread, i'm gonna stick my neck out here and ask that we give the Hove guy Devon (Tobin) a second chance. i searched to look at this after Nick's comment above and found it - not gonna link to it here though as this is not his sales thread - and in his defence the broken ramp entrance is clear to see in the photos and could be covered by a ramp protector (i haven't spotted the nail yet) and he does have 'make an offer' in his auction. ok i agree that he should focus his photos more on the faults than he does, and makes it a bit more honest and less salesmanish, but remember that he's not only selling to pinheads, and you don't see Currys or PC World or Tesco taking promotional pics of their sales items and trying to point out the flaws, they want to sell.

i bought once off Tobin fairly recently, paid more than i wanted to and had to fix a few things on it (overseas ROM, fuse and couple of blown transistors) but it wasn't the dangerous rustyball-chopped-earthbraid TOM that we read all about 18 months ago, it wasn't a turd, and i love it to bits. i think he learned his lesson from that. he communicated well and seems to have a sense of humour and he does bring in games from Europe that otherwise wouldn't be here, so i vote for giving the guy a break.

back on topic. this HUO Ironman is a bargain i reckon, you're never gonna find a better example of a game than a genuine home use only version that's never been subjected to the kicks and scratches and beer spills of the great unwashed. HUO games will always sell again in the future, this is safer than money in the bank.
but remember that he's not only selling to pinheads, and you don't see Currys or PC World or Tesco taking promotional pics of their sales items and trying to point out the flaws, they want to sell.

i bought once off Tobin fairly recently, paid more than i wanted to and had to fix a few things on it (overseas ROM, fuse and couple of blown transistors) but it wasn't the dangerous rustyball-chopped-earthbraid TOM that we read all about 18 months ago, it wasn't a turd, and i love it to bits

And there lies the problem Dan. The average punter shouldn't HAVE to replace a few blown transistors. Potentially these issues COULD be as dangerous as a lack of earth, depending on the circumstances!

As you say - he's not selling to pinheads - Just trying to fleece the general public into buying something that isn't what he says it is - which is worse in my opinion!

The reason Currys or Tescos dont point out any flaws is because their items are new, and as such any design flaws etc are the issue of the manufacturer.
i bought once off Tobin fairly recently, paid more than i wanted to and had to fix a few things on it (overseas ROM, fuse and couple of blown transistors) but it wasn't the dangerous rustyball-chopped-earthbraid TOM that we read all about 18 months ago, it wasn't a turd, and i love it to bits. i think he learned his lesson from that. he communicated well and seems to have a sense of humour and he does bring in games from Europe that otherwise wouldn't be here, so i vote for giving the guy a break.

The point is Dan were you made aware of the issues ?? Or was it sold as 'all working' - if it was ,and you paid over the odds, then surely questions should be asked.
The point is Dan were you made aware of the issues ?? Or was it sold as 'all working' - if it was ,and you paid over the odds, then surely questions should be asked.
he said it all worked fine and there were no error messages, and this was true. it was only after a few games that the fuse popped and i found the cause was the transistors. but since by then i'd changed the DIP switches from Italy to UK, and replaced a UK ROM, maybe i caused them to pop myself? - and a couple of the fuses weren't the correct values so i'd changed them as well. he doesn't pretend to be a pin fixing expert, things do go wrong with all pins, they're a bloody pain in the **** (especially after the vibration of transportation), and i didn't feel hard done by at all. plus on top of that, he labours the point that we should visit and test before buying, and i didn't do that - but if i had done, i'd still have bought it off him. my point is that he supplied brand new balls and bolts and deserves a second chance.

Not defending Tobin, but the IM he is selling; although the ramp is smashed, that's not a nail in the playfield...
i hope you're not referring to the magnet in fron tof the iron man himself :)
That does look like a nail, bottom left of the broken right ramp. I would have said both machines are priced fairly, one is excellent the other not so but £400 cheaper, so you're getting what your pay for either way.

And not much chance of getting board issues with a machine as new as IM anyway is there?
I've also dealt with Tobin in the past and like previous posts he's not an expert at repairs or fixing like many on here but I did find him to be very honest and helpful.
I feel I got a good deal with the pin I got from him last year.
On ebay at higher price as that seems to be the way to list pins these days.
I am surprised that no one has snapped this up on here.
I can't stop playing mine, cracking machine.
Just to say that have decided the only trade I may consider is a nice AFM, plus or minus cash as only game the wife has ever liked! Will sell another game to get my space!
Weekend bump. Was thinking about keeping it again but due to incoming games, got to let it go!
Ok, just got too many games so reduced this from £3750 as it's Easter weekend!
For comparison a Star Trek pro is now £4995 new so think this is a pretty fair price now. Might try ebay later.

Or plan B is to keep it and sell another game;)
Gone on ebay as well now at same price.
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