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Gorgar stuck in settings.


Site Supporter
10 Years
Mar 20, 2013
Friend has bought a Gorgar (from the same place I got Elektra - only more expensive).
Was bought as a working table (rather than my Elektra which was bought as a project)

Issues from the off. Some lamps not working (on looking at the diagram there's a column off - maybe its a loose wire ? ) and a couple of segments were missing on player 3 and 4.
Tried disconnecting and reconnecting the connectors between the back-box and play-field and no difference for either issue. Also made sure all the connectors to pcbs were seated and again no change.
After playing it a little while the segments reappeared so... possibly that's not a thing anymore. However it now refuses to go into game over mode.
Shows the game ID in player one display. Advance up/down works but cant get to game over. Looks like almost everything test wise starts with "from Game over do <thing>" which is tricky since it wont enter this mode :(

Fiddled with the door switches and turned it off and on many times. Also tried replacing the batteries.

Anyone got any suggestions as to whats amiss. Given that this is meant to be working and refurbished mate needless to say isn't happy. Have contacted seller but no reply as yet.
Does it reset, can you hear the relay click in the coin door?
Does it reset, can you hear the relay click in the coin door?
I assume you mean when you switch the power off and on ? Not sure - will give that a try.

Check the 4.5v is actually getting to the ram chip from the batteries. Could also be the ram chip itself is faulty.

A bit more detail here:


The index is in German but the main text is a English - go down to section 3.a
Been poking around those pages for my Elektra - well somewhere around there :)
Will take a read and see what I can see. The guy I bought it from tried to (apparently) ring me this evening but I missed the call. Hes going to call again Monday. I dont really mind fixing if I can - after all that's why I bought Elektra, but just feels a little wrong when Gorgar was meant to be refurbed.

Thanks for the pointers folks - will update the thread soon !
Eesh. Went to see Gorgar armed with my multimeter yesterday.

Now the displays dont come on. However the voltages checked out OK and the relevant diode appears to be working correctly.
Perhaps the RAM chip has died altogether now :o
The old girls don't like being moved thats the problem. Make sure that 40pin interconnect is all good also.
No they surely dont.. That said I would have expected if it was meant to have been refurbished you would expect it to be more a little tolerant.
Did hear solenoids firing.. which is even more odd. Not right away.. And he spoke.. around the same time as the solenoids went off !
Depends what you all refurbished, can you take some pics of the pcbs in the backbox please?
Will do that next time im there. Bottom line - my mate just wants a pin to play. Should be talking to the seller this evening and see where it goes from there.
I mean I could remove the main board and send to him to "just sort it aaat" I guess.

The worse case scenario is the guy who bought it has a van so... :)
FWIW heres the PF gorgar.jpg
Removing the main board might not necessarily fix it.
No maybe not. Just an option. Deffo think there's an issue with the RAM reading the links folks have posed here. I already have a new chip on order for my Elektra and I have 2 coming. So I could try replacing it.
I dont have a problem with fixing it as such - hes a mate. But the thing should work. Will have to see what the seller suggests.
I'm sure he fired it up and tried it before it left. How long for is another matter. Certainly seems plausible the missing lamp column could be down to transit and maybe the CMOS was just on its last legs. Who knows.

At the very least if I return the main board (or maybe the main 2 ?) he can eliminate those form the equation if they work.
(Believe he is able to do that - will find out tonight I guess :) )
If your mate played it before buying it then the it will most likely bad connection on the boards and on master display too !. Do not really like the word refurbished as there are people saying they have refurbished the machine when in fact all what is done is that have cleaned the playfield with a rag !!
Pic of the boards in the back so we can see if the connector's have been changed ?
where did you buy them from,perhaps the seller is a member or lurker on here?
He didnt play it - but was assured its a very good example etc etc. I had no reason to doubt this. (Not sure if £850 is a good price or not - seemed decent to me - not a bargain but not shocking.)

The guy I bought it from sold me an Addams a number of years back, and that's pretty much just worked (Yeah I know its newer tech - but I've done next to nothing with it other than play it, clean it etc). I also bought a TZ from him for somewhat less than I did Addams - but that was as is - needed some work and that was fine.

As for him lurking - maybe he is lurking on here - dont think so though. (If you are then shame on you Dave for spinning me a yarn about not liking "those forums" :P)
Talked to him on the phone this evening and he says he sold it for the price he did because he thought I was going to maintain it. Which as I pointed out is fine - as best I can I'm happy doing that. But expected to get more than maybe an hours worth of play from it if its in such great shape.

He has offered to take it back and give him his money back mind you - but obviously that means driving "darn sarf" and its a canny hike from here. And it would mean taking a hit for both the cost of getting there and back as well as he cost of getting it here in the first place.
He also insisted it will likely just be the large interboard connector thats causing problems. (Im not sold - I still thing the RAM chip is dying or dead :( Not sure beyond that)

Watch this space...

AAMOI is there anyone around these parts than can repair the boards if it came down to that ? Also is the replacement one (rottendog?) any good and worth the money ?On a
On a related note, I've considered one of the Alltek ones from my Elektra if my repair attempts fail - but since I bought that as a project and ive 2 others to play I don't mind that's depressed :)
Its alive !!!
Replaced the CMOS IC (and poked around the large interconnect for good measure)

Thanks for all the tips folks. So - now I just need to fix the lamp column thats out and possibly adjust the rollover switch. (The A one doesnt always work).
WRT the rollover switch I see you can get an adjuster for the leaf switches - are these a good investment or is there a DIY solution that works just as well ?
As far as the missing lamps go - I think I have a handle on that. Im sure the eagle eyed folks will spot the issue from the photos (I cant believe I didnt spot it myself initially TBH)

Attached a couple of snaps of the board. Its definitely fairly clean yeah. Not sure whats considered pristine for one of these though. Not convinced things like the capacitors have been replaced for example.

Boards Left.jpg
Boards Right.jpg
Close up of the driver board.. Wonder why theres a column out ;)
driver board closeup.jpg

Irritatingly I don't think the local electronic shop has a suitable replacement. (And I don't recall seeing them at Pinball Mania where I got the spares for Elektra :( )
You can replace that with a wire. 16-20 gauge.
Tons of useful info there. Ta. Looks like you need to replace the TIPs too if you go with wire links.
That and the previous link. Endless source of info. (Hopefully since Gorgar isnt mine I wont need to worry about it too much once the teething troubles are sorted.)
Last time I did it I don't think I replaced the tips. I'll have to double check.
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