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Complete Getaway GetsaWash


Site Supporter
Nov 9, 2016
Billy Big B*llocks
Not quite a shop but a well needed clean and tidy up.
Unfortunately too much on the go at the moment especially as DP landing in the morn and several pin protectors on the drawing board waiting to be done.
So in between times will see me slowly bringing this neglected little beauty back to life so I can relive one of my old favs before moving on.
Today saw me strip the top deck to uncover around a dozen original bulbs from new by the looks of it.


Then some foam cleaner worked in and left for 10-15mins

A quick wip done and Ahhhh that’s better.

Not bad considering it was wiped over with a paper towel seems quite a nice PF

Next up will be underneath dust and brush
Undercarriage wash and spruce up with all lenses meticulously cleaned and while on gave the harnesses a once over.
Out with the old and in with the new. Flippers reworked with new coils and sleeves. Pops stripped and also reworked and all light boards washed and re-flowed.





Hello, Colin,

While it's entirely your choice, the upper flipper on Getaway is intended to use the Red 11630 coil. The stronger 11629 runs the risk of breaking playfield parts within its line of shot.
Hello, Colin,

While it's entirely your choice, the upper flipper on Getaway is intended to use the Red 11630 coil. The stronger 11629 runs the risk of breaking playfield parts within its line of shot.
It’s what I had kicking about if they are over the top which I’m hoping they are not I’ll buy the specced ones.

Hello, Colin,

While it's entirely your choice, the upper flipper on Getaway is intended to use the Red 11630 coil. The stronger 11629 runs the risk of breaking playfield parts within its line of shot.
Oh and I forgot to mention it had 29s in and they are the original ones fitted from new so maybe they too had no 30s lol
New livery starting to take shape
Slowly getting there and transforming what I always consided quite a drab pin. Wow a difference from night and day well happy so far.

Brownie points to anyone who notices an obvious mistake which I will rectify some point before the big sw on.




I told you that they were wrong last week. Colour blind people should not shop pinballs :rolleyes::cool:o_O

Wait till you start wiring those coils up @@BOOOM@@
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Time to fire her up!
Well considering it was bought as is and not working with a fried CPU board and fecked display I wasn’t expecting much when I fired her up, however I was pleasantly surprised.
After the usual crackle pop and fart it sounded promising then ding on come the lights minus a blank display (new one was fitted) and no playfield attract mode as not one lens was lighting up.
So I switched off, checked fuses and replaced a duffer on the display board but couldn’t see anything obvious causing the lack of lighting on the playfield which I thought very strange until I lifted the PF up. Obvious fault immediately found I had forgot to install any bulbs whatsoever after I had cleaned all the boards and lenses. :rofl:
Back on again and everything looking hunky dory so I threw 3 balls in and had an hour with the glass off.
Few small faults found inc the ball being thrown out of the ball trough and striking the glass each time it dispensed a ball into play so I’ll check coil strength some point as it looked a little brutal. Couple of LEDs not working and ball getting caught up on ramp due to one of my Flourecent sling protectors
Only major fault was some of the GI down which seems to be due to a charred connector on J115 that needs looking at but apart from that I’m one happy puppy :)



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