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Gone to Ebay Fully Populated & Restored Fish Tales Playfield


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Nov 19, 2011
Pudsey UK
As titled, my fully restored fish tales playfield . See here for the full restoration thread.


New parts fitted as follows during the full top and bottom strip down:

New Flipper assemblies (full mechs with coils)
New Auto Launch mech
New Boat ramp
All wireforms re-plated in Chrome
New Clear Plastics
New Boat flap decal
New Star Posts
New Rubbers
New Bulbs
New Pop Bumper caps and skirts, yokes
All new nuts and screws
Backboard resprayed black
All new coil sleeves

Looking for £1200 cash on collection. Don't want to post for obvious reasons! Collection only, or Martin delivery services and collection is strongly advised. Trades for partial payment considered. Please only contact me if you are seriously interested.

Thought I had to. Would have listed with the other games I'm selling at the same time but was contacted by someone and asked to give them first chance . So I did and here we are a week or so later....

Should have just listed as I was going to do. Oh well lesson learned
I thought @BigBear77 wanted this??????
I did put My pinballs said it really needs to be collected in person and I am a days round trip to get it and Martin is over a month away to return to this area and I tried a different courier again a long wait. If I knew someone around leeds who was trustworthy to hold it for me I would but I definitely don't. I tried to sort it but can't and I apologise again to My pinballs as I feel he things I wasted his time, but I assure you mate I would have it in a blink of a eye for my lovely manny cab fishy. And to anyone who I have bought from I pay straight away in normal cases.
I would say that there are lots of "trustworthy" pinballers around Leeds so shouldn't be a problem somebody holding it for you. I will be heading over to Preston in a week or so and can divert to Pudsey and collect/hold for you. Ok you don't know me personally but I am trustworthy :)

The offer is there if you want to take it and may have to travel down to midlands some time in the near future as well so closer to you or can wait for Martin :)
I would say that there are lots of "trustworthy" pinballers around Leeds so shouldn't be a problem somebody holding it for you. I will be heading over to Preston in a week or so and can divert to Pudsey and collect/hold for you. Ok you don't know me personally but I am trustworthy :)

The offer is there if you want to take it and may have to travel down to midlands some time in the near future as well so closer to you or can wait for Martin :)
I've met Steve and can vouch he's a really nice and trustworthy gentleman if that helps!
Thanks Jon, appreciated :thumbs:

Sorry Jim but rupert has declined my offer, via pm on Sunday, for collecting/holding/part delivering your FT playfield :(
Gone to ebay. 99p start. Need to tidy up my workshop and make some room. Part of this sale will be donated to Parkinsons UK. Said Goodbye to my Dad today. I need to clear some things to make myself feel better

So mate what happened to the 99p starting bid playfield on eBay? Thought it wasn't going to be pulled and the listing was going to run till the end. Funny that it ended early.
Why is that funny?
Cos it said 99p starting bid, you ended it at under £600. If you going to list something do it at the price you want for it mate and yes think you should be donating abit more don't you as you seem to be selling a lot but no donations, o sorry yes see you have just done a £20 donation. Good boy for that.
So mate what happened to the 99p starting bid playfield on eBay? Thought it wasn't going to be pulled and the listing was going to run till the end. Funny that it ended early.

It's bad enough some forum members seem to think it's ok to rock up in peoples For Sale threads and price police them but now it's descended to giving people sh*t about how they sell the stuff they own!?!?!?! :sad: The guy has recently lost his dad and you're giving him grief about some pinball parts, have a f*cking word with yourself.....proper c*ntish if you ask me and frankly unacceptable :tut:
Ok, here goes.

To @BigBear77

The fish tales playfield that i had for sale on here had no takers including yourself who retracted your offer, so i listed on ebay. Then i bought a full fish tales game on a whim (my dad had just died and i wanted to do a few spur of the moment things to feel something). So i ended the fish tales playfield auction and decided to install in the game i had bought and then sell the one included with the game instead. This is what i am now doing and have a few people lined up for this. I am also selling various spares from this purchase and the 6 month restoration

Not sure why i am having to justify what i do, or how i sell things?

To clarify my contributions on pinball info itself. I am a man of integrity, the thing i hold highest of all, and anyone who knows me will know the Jpop saga and what i lost to keep my integrity intact. I hope this counts for something.

So to be clear i have not yet donated to the pinball info site ( not sure where you think a £20 donation came from) and yes i have sold games and parts on here. I have not done this yet as i felt up til now that this was one option of many for contributing to the site. I myself have regularly helped out with technical repair information and help with other games, as well as promoting various custom avenues for pinball tech. Something which i have hoped will increase traffic and users to this site. I also posted many shop logs, strip downs and rebuild threads with lots of detailed pictures. I have also hoped that this will be of benefit to users on here, to improve the content available and to increase traffic.

However, if this is deemed by @Paul not be worth the same as monetary donations, or that i should be contributing money directly aswell, then i will make the necessary changes.

Running businesses in pinball is not easy and i work very hard to try and keep things moving forward. Any comments on the above are always welcomed. A clearer standing on donations for this site i feel would be welcomed, by myself anyway

Man, things seem to get complex these days.... and september sucked big time
its cool mate, the donation thing was not for you sorry like I said all ready! as you don't have a picture it was someone else on here. To the playfield thing, all you had to say on here was I am keeping it to do my own fishy, as I was watching it on ebay and you did clearly say on here, 99p starting bid and donations are going to a good charity. My nanna died the same as your dad so I do understand and I have both my parents dealing with the big C. So the donation thing wasn't meant for you, and the playfield thing is cool, Peace to your DAD.
It's bad enough some forum members seem to think it's ok to rock up in peoples For Sale threads and price police them but now it's descended to giving people sh*t about how they sell the stuff they own!?!?!?! :sad: The guy has recently lost his dad and you're giving him grief about some pinball parts, have a f*cking word with yourself.....proper c*ntish if you ask me and frankly unacceptable :tut:
Sorry but did I message you! No I didnt so don't make this into something it isn't you plonker!
Sorry but did I message you! No I didnt so don't make this into something it isn't you plonker!

You made a dickish post in a public forum to a friend of mine. I merely pointed out that maybe that was uncalled for, especially given the circumstances. Not sure how that means I'm "making it into something it isn't", you made the orignal post.
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