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Flintstones LED ghosting and slow solenoid

Tidy Technician

Feb 24, 2016
Hi All,

Ok, so my Flintstones came with LED conversion, but has a lot of ghosting
Also the GI doesn't dim, so i guess the led's fitted are non dimming (assuming the GI does dim on this game for certain features)?

Also the solenoid at the top of the play field, which diverts the ball for multi ball etc often triggers slowly, so the ball has passed it before it activates..

are these both software issues?
If so, where can i get the most up to date software ?

Thanks in advance for any help :)
Re the slow solenoid .... I would be interested to know how you get on with this. If you are lucky it will be the switch, dirt, wear ... Things you can see. When you clean up mechs, replace worn parts, polish metal contact/ friction points, that usually speeds up their operation and makes them perform more consistently. I have had fussy diverter issues on twilight zone and fish tales.

My suggestions -

Most likely cause, the triggering switch.

  • Is it triggered by an opto or a microswitch ? Clean opto lenses with ipa on. Check microswitch. Run switch test to make sure these operate 100% when you manually throw a ball round. Adjust/ repair if necessary
Then, look into dirt/ wear/ wrong parts.
  • Check the manual, it may well have a diagram of this mech showing all the bits that should be there, how they should be put together. Correct coil ? Correct parts ?
  • Is everything clean ? - plunger, link, coil sleeve, pivot points on the diverter. Isopropyl alcohol (ipa) removes most of the the black gunk. Solvol autosol to give metal friction points a polish
  • Any damage ? Plunger mushroomed ? Has someone put oil or grease in that has now become congealed? Coil stop mushroomed ? Coil sleeve cracked, scored ? Loose screws ?
  • Put in test mode to check the diverter before and after this. Does it look any faster ? Is it all aligned properly ? Does it need adjusting ?
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