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fish tales driver board

carl lawrence

Site Supporter
Jul 31, 2011
Was putting this back and notice all this on the back of the board ?
Now this is a fully working board , so why all the wires and working out ?
The bare wires look to me as coil wires !
Any ideas ?
Those wires are what is making it a working board :) Looks like a few jumper wires to repair damaged traces. Are the bare wires being used as jumpers or are they to repair broken tracks? If they're jumping across other traces then I'd be tempted to replace them with insulated wire. On the other hand, if it ain't broke.....;)
Nah... You've got at least one replacement capacitor top right. It connects electrically in the area between the circuit board and the component so very hard to solder a joint successfully. The (messy) jumper wires are reinstating the poor connectivity.
Nah... You've got at least one replacement capacitor top right. It connects electrically in the area between the circuit board and the component so very hard to solder a joint successfully. The (messy) jumper wires are reinstating the poor connectivity.
Well spotted !! Comparing it to my Sttng it also looks like it's both :hmm:

Hmm !!

PM sending :D
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