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Does this forum have ad's enabled or have I been hijacked?


Jul 21, 2011
Southampton, UK
Hi everyone

Not an actually pinball question, one more about this forum.

When I click on various aspects of these forums or links, I seem to be getting a brand new tab appear in Chrome that is usually some form of advertising (seems to be William Hill mostly).

Is this a setting on this forum, or have I have been browser hijacked?


When I click on a link in these forums I usually open a new tab (in Chrome) - in fact I think I always open a new tab - but I also always get the correct link, not an advert.
Not from here bj - sound like ads on your chrome.. Somehow!!! :(
Suggest running the free version of 'malware bytes' which should be able to assist in removing some of that nasty malware for ya :)
Check your proxy settings on Chrome to see if the have had that high jacked.
ADWCleaner finds more nasties than MWB in my experience but its best that you run several different programs to ensure you're 100% clean.
Hmm, had a few adverts appearing here as well over the last couple of days. Only when pinballinfo.com login page is called (from bookmarks).

The ads were for m.candyoyo.com, some kids games site.
Anyway, using firefox I right clicked in the page and using the 'inspect element' tool noticed that sure enough there was embedded script calling the ads.

so ... using 'inspect element', deleted script.
Deleted pinballinfo bookmark
Saved cleaned page as bookmark .. all good!

might help the next victim.

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