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Defender sounds

favourite video game music?........here's mine!
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I was thinking about Xenon 2 the other day, wrt the retro gaming scene. If there are younger players, they will not have a clue about the significance of Super Nashwan Power!
I remember buying Blood Money on the Amiga and being blown away by the intro.
The game wasn’t that great compared with the Megadrive shooters of that time but damn, I can still recite the whole intro in my head some 30 years on.
I think I actually made a cassette tape to listen to in the car of Psygnosis and Bitmap Brothers games.
I was into Amiga’s👍
Were some cool demo’s about.
I was a member of "Nerve Axis"... We used to go in for demos competitions every year...

Looks really pixelated now, however this was cutting edge back in the 90's... All real time rendered...

We got 1st at Assembly 1997 for this one!
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I was a member of "Nerve Axis"... We used to go in for demos competitions every year...

Looks really pixelated now, however this was cutting edge back in the 90's... All real time rendered...

We got 1st at Assembly 1997 for this one!
nice one!
Still rocking the Amiga in 97 too?
I was a member of "Nerve Axis"... We used to go in for demos competitions every year...

Looks really pixelated now, however this was cutting edge back in the 90's... All real time rendered...

We got 1st at Assembly 1997 for this one!
Pretty cool Paul😎
Was very competitive the demo scene, I was just a spectator being taken to another dimension🤩
And why I put a 68060 accelerator card in mine😂
Happy days.
I remember buying an extra 512k ram expansion for £130 at a Commodore show! I’m struggling to think of any extra it brought to games but allowed me to use Xcopy with fewer dosc

Monkey Island 2 was the ultimate disc swapper for us poor souls with one drive. Sometimes you’d have to change disc for an animation, change again to get the disconnected sound effect then back to the disc you were playing on to continue. Of course any minor error reading a disc would crash the game. Happy days!
I had an Amiga 500, then a 1200 which i upgraded to a 1200/030, then a 4000/040 that i picked up obscenely cheap.... Only got rid of the 4000 a couple of years ago...
I can still remember my mrs buying a 1200/monitor from JL oxford street and bringing it back to our flat in Kilburn with a crate of cider, clever girl😂
Loved Defender but being slightly dyslexic I am not great with multiple buttons. I was better at Phoenix. Loved Gorf and could complete Dragons Lair and Astron Belt.
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