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In Progress Data East Star Wars


Apr 26, 2014
Picked this up a few weeks ago and I've finally got some time to start work on it now. Just the one pic current but I'll post a few more detailed pictures tomorrow.

It's spent a fair while in a Greek arcade by the looks of it (!) but it's in surprisingly good condition considering that. This won't be the most ambitious restoration you'll see here, being my first, but it'll definitely still consume a fair chunk of my time. Here's a list of stuff I'm planning, in rough order of priority. Some of this I might not sort for ages, just getting it playable and protected from further damage is priority.

- Swap in improved v-shaped leg bolt brackets, the current ones are worryingly thin and starting to pull through the wood (!) so definitely want to sort that ASAP.

- Strip and clean the playfield with foaming cleaner and Novus 2, Brasso wadding cleaner on the ramps, clean the glass, re-rubbber, fix the left flipper (it sticks sometimes, not worked out why yet despite some reading and investigation, the usual suspect is the flipper link and those look fine to my untrained eye).

- Put in Cliffy's force/sarlac-pit scoop protectors. I'll look into repairing the wear with wood putty and maybe even painting them further down the line, for now I just want to stop further wear. Currently looking for the Cliffy's slot switch protectors too since the slots are starting to wear, but those appear to be rarer than rocking horse **** currently, presumably because every machine can use them so everyone wants them!

- Replace the backbox lock (the current one is missing a key).

- Minor repair to the Death Star - the plastic is chipped but not completely broken around the top screw, so hopefully some polycement (ah, memories of gluing plastic Warhammer miniatures from my youth!) will "weld" that stronger again and make sure it lasts.

- Replace the ramp flap with an extended one I'll cut/drill myself (cheers to replicas for the blue spring steel!) - there is a sliver of chipped/missing playfield art just before the ramp (you can just about see it in the picture). Maybe I'll have a go at restoring that myself one day but it's probably beyond my painting skills for now so covering it seems the easier option for the time being.

- Pop in Chad's amazing code revamp ROM chip, it's in the post already.

At this point it'll be ready to play again and everything else is really cosmetic improvements.

- Full LED swap of course, although I want to take my time and do this later once I've had enough games with the incandescents first so I can choose my own parts rather than buying a kit (although I'll probably go for Superfluxes which means this kit is tempting if I get lazy instead).

- Replace the yellow Death Star targets (they're cracked and chipped but still work)

- R2D2 looks good, I might whiten some of his plastic with this method though, there's also a scrape on his dome from a crazy air ball at some point, I might sand that smooth and get it rechromed eventually.

- The cab has a fair few chips and scrapes (although the artwork is in pretty good nick compared to many I've seen photos of). Most of the dings are areas where I can repair with wood putty then paint with the colour matched blue from here (I might try and put together a group buy with 5 others though with that shipping cost!).

- There are a few chipped painted plastics, it's easy enough to find replacements for but I don't know if the quality of those is any good. Anyone know?

- New pop bumper caps, they're cracked but work fine so that's another cosmetic indulgence I'm in no rush to sort.

- The translite has a few wear spots (above and below Han Solo's muzzle flash). I might have a go one day at colour matching that after I've clear coated the back first, it's not hugely distracting though and still looks great overall.

- Replace the legs, lockbar and side rails - not a huge priority, but they're dented and rusted in parts. Not urgent though (or cheap!)

Cheers to Ben (and family!) for being no trouble to deal with and helpful with getting it into the van - it was his only pin so I don't believe he'll be selling others here but it's still nice to say thanks when there are so many cowboys out there on eBay etc.!

Anyway, congrats if you read to the end of this monster list, I typed it as much as a personal to-do list reminder as I did to share with the community and get advice! Like I said, I'll take a few more pics of the cab, translite and playfield soon, as well as my progress. Can't wait to get this up to scratch as my first Garage Arcade pin!


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Nice write-up! I read it all the way to the end ;) Fine machine DESW - I played for the first time at South Coast Slam last month. Do carry on with your shop log, plenty of folk on here like reading them and they're great for sharing machine-specific information.

Thanks for the link regarding whitening yellowed plastics. I was meaning to do some Googling but this looks to be an interesting method. I've got a few yellowed plastic posts from my Paragon that could do with whitening, and if it doesn't damage any printing then I might try the original bumper caps.
fix the left flipper (it sticks sometimes, not worked out why yet despite some reading and investigation, the usual suspect is the flipper link and those look fine to my untrained eye).

I would recommend a flipper re-build on both flippers when revamping a game - you don't need to replace everything that is in a flipper rebuild "kit", but the plunger links, coil sleeves & end stops are almost certainly worth doing.

Also...have you checked that all the fuses are the correct rating (definitely recommended when buying a new game).

Good luck with it.

Cheers Dan, think I will indeed do both those things once I've given it a good clean! The rubber end stops in particular looked fairly mashed now you mention it.
Lots to do on this one, still stripping and cleaning. I also replaced the keyless headboard lock and worked on a stripped screw on the middle ramp flap (not fun, still not fixed!).

I recently popped open the t-bar handle so I can re-decal it (that'll be interesting to put back together!) and the face plate is pretty warped. It looks like someone lifted the cab by the handle a few times or something stupid, even then I can't quite work out how they managed to bend thick steel like this.


Any thoughts on how to flatten this somewhat? It doesn't have to be perfect, just... improved.

The mechanism is also missing a few small parts - the missing washers are easy to replace but there's a hollow metal rod that'll be trickier to find a replacement for. Basically tube #7 (the shorter #8 is still there).

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Gotta love the internet - found the exact diameter/wall thickness brass tubing here on eBay. With that, I can easily make my own replacement part for the #7 tube, and probably replace the worn #8 too while I'm at it. All I need is the length measurement of the tube which I've politely pestered @lukewells for. :D

Also just going to carefully attack the metal plate with a vice and hammer.
Yeah, if you could Luke, that'd be a real help. Would save me guessing, filing, installing, taking out, repeat, etc.

Nedreud - I wouldn't know where to start with getting a new decal made TBH. The Marco Spec one is meant to be kinda thin and badly colour matched according to a guy on Pinside, also stupidly pricey to ship from the States for just one (poor quality) decal.

Also, er, I just discovered that my Death Star target is actually from Doctor Who. I think? o_O http://www.parts4pinballs.com/90069/doctor-who-rect-standup-target-assy-used/ It kinda works as an exhaust port I guess!
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Nedreud - I wouldn't know where to start with getting a new decal made TBH. The Marco Spec one is meant to be kinda thin and badly colour matched according to a guy on Pinside, also stupidly pricey to ship from the States for just one (poor quality) decal
Have a word with @ABSOLUTE CONTROL. He did a great decal recently for a coin machine (I think it was for @Paul?). He's certainly done an awesome job of my playfield decal!
Will do @Nedreud , cheers.

Also, I just noticed that my table is missing these two support legs. Not crucial, I'm guessing. It almost looks like they were ripped out since the screw holes are totally shredded - a miracle the damage didn't come through to the playfield TBH. That also means I probably couldn't replace them in there even if I wanted to.

Not a huge amount of progress to report, I'm looking for some advice on playfield repair/painting though please chaps!

I've mainly been polishing various rails and other playfield bits with Brasso, Novus and a Tumbler. Also waiting on new DE leg brackets from Pinball Centre (I couldn't find DE ones in the UK) since the current ones are tiny metal strips the size of a stick of chewing gum and they've pulled a fair way through the wood, worryingly!

Any thoughts on how important DE playfield leg supports are? The design is so stupid and vulnerable (I know, classic DE). You can see above how they snapped off, but the only more-solid replacements I've found are from the US here.

Finally, after lots of reading up on the topic, I've been frankly bricking it a bit about repairing some damage to the playfield art! I've attached pics - one is near the flippers, the other near the ramp. The Death Star insert has also sunk a bit leaving a line, I dunno if it'll still be there once I tap it flush again though. The scoop wear should be mostly covered by Cliffy's, although I might to a proper repair on them one day. I really want to sort the ramp and near-flipper wear though before it gets worse.

I know the colours are mostly solid blocks which should make it easier, but I'm still worried I'll do a terrible job of colour matching (despite a mis-spent youth painting Warhammer miniatures). Are there any places within a few hours of London who are known to do a top job on this sort of thing?


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I don't know who to recommend near London (I'm sure others on here can point you in the right direction) but I can point you to a very good quide on pinside.com about repairing playfields. You may have come across it as it often turns up near the top of search results: http://pinside.com/pinball/forum/topic/vids-guide-to-ultimate-playfield-restoration

Looking at the DESW playfield art in the worn areas it is reasonably block colour based with clear mostly straight edges. I'm a Warhammer painter too and if that were my playfield I'd give it a go before sending it off. I'd have a crack at the white area near that Star Destroyer that looks as though it's where a ramp is fixed. If you do **** it up at least it'll be covered by the ramp!

Cheers @Nedreud , not a bad plan. I'll give the white a shot first once I've finished stripping and cleaning the pf.
Still stripping this, I'm taking my time (lots of photos plus labelled sandwich bags) but getting there! It's pretty filthy but should all clean up nicely. I found a few cut bulb wires under R2-D2, a few missing screws, stripped screws (ugh), missing bulbs, nothing diastrous though (yet!).

Question for you guys: How on earth do I remove these metal ball guides for cleaning? They seem to be riveted to a flat nail through the playfield or something. Is that a nightmare to remove/re-install and best left there? (I'll have a rivet press shortly riveting is not a problem, as long as it doesn't need riveting while ON the playfield).

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Well, it's been a while since I reported progress on this. It's been slow due to work and other things, but I've finally got the playfield out and stripped enough to clean. Next weekend I'll be levelling inserts. By NLPit should be clean and stripped enough for me to hand it over to a chap for some playfield touch ups around the ramp entrance, both scoops and above the A in STAR WARS. I might see if he can paint in some small missing paint lines around a few inserts too.

I'm tempted to ask if he can repaint Princess Leia's face as well since the ball trail makes it look like she has stubble. :rofl: I gave that and other ball trails a go with foam cleaner then a Magic Eraser but it started lifting paint (just miniscule specs thankfully) so I gave up on that. 20 years in a smokey Greek arcade hasn't been kind to the pf so it's never going to be perfect, but I've seen far worse and once it's done it'll be in a much nicer condition than it was at least!


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Nice! I like the style of artwork on the playfield.

It's insane how many little details there are that most people won't notice or be able to see. That light speed graphic on the right (the streaking stars in a blue background) is normally completely hidden under the launch ramp! There's the huge space worm at the back orbit, an Ewok clinging onto a speeder at the top right... Clearly a labour of love for the artist, cramming in as much from the movies as possible!
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