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Found it! Coin slot surround


Sep 19, 2016
Manchester UK
I've just completed my first ever job on my first pin (Centaur) with a full playfield swap and no sound fixes... I think I need to do the coin door next to make it look as good as I am able to :)

Any ideas where I can get the missing metal small coin slot surround from on the 1 x play slot? There has been a Coin Controls £1 mech fitted behind it so I'm imagining it was removed to facilitate a thicker coin?... I dunno. Maybe there is one lying forgotten in someone's spares box somewhere :p

Also any advise on changing out the 12 x door frame domed head bolts would be appreciated :thumbs:

coin slot.jpg

BTW, it's going to go on freeplay eventually so I'm not too bothered about a £1 coin going in ;)
Can't help with the aluminium coin slot (I don't think, but I'll check) but the carriage bolt heads do polish up quite nicely.
I have some of those metal coin surrounds i believe. Need to get a minute to check the spares
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