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Charity Pinball Tournament at the workplace

benjamin lawrence

May 30, 2015
Last Friday the 19th from 8:30 to 17:00 I organised and set up a Pinball Tournament in aid to raise money to the remembering nell foundation; a charity which hits close to home as I was a former student of Nell who died tragically in the Manchester attack bombings last year, the charity was set up to by the family to help aid children in the north west.

On the day I raised £137 in cash donations and milked by boss out of £15 as he was so frustrated that his reflexes wasn't as good as it once was. Everyone enjoyed the machines me and @carl lawrence brought in for the day only downside is that I have the doctor who theme imprinted in my noggin. Many thanks to @Wayne J for the score sheets and the excel spreadsheet to help calculate the winner of whom has been decided and in the process of getting the trophy laser cut.

Everything went according to plan however as always one machine went down and did some minor repairs; for once I didn't break anything and overall would be something I'd next year if the old man agrees !

Yes I got a call when I was at work that Dr who went down , when Two screws worked loose on the time expander , like a pro Benjamin had diagnosed and rectified the problem and got it up and running in about 5 mins ,nice one son !!
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