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Bride of pin bot multi ball


Apr 19, 2015
Hi, I’ve recently purchased my 1st pin (Bride of pin bot ) and noticed when multi ball is commenced, both balls come down together. Having watch the machine play by others I noticed they don’t come down together but have a small time gap. So can that be changed in settings ? I have had a look 👀 but can’t seem to figure it out 🥵 many thanks in advance for any advice.
They do indeed have a small time gap. I’m no expert but the problem might lie with the two sensors. Just before the release mechanism..
I see... well thanks for the reply... it does make the multi ball much harder me thinks having to control two balls instead of one ☝️... I’ve managed to do it a few times but would be much better with small time again. Thanks again
Problem is more than likely the coil sleave , change for a new one and that should fix your problem.
Thank you... I’ll try that... I’m very new to pin ball so it’s a massive learning curve 🥵 lol
I had a similar problem when I had a BOP.
I expanded the spring for the plunger to make it push harder up.

Also check your switches at the ball holding area.
There are two switches and if one is not totally registering correctly you will also get both balls releasing.

You will notice some call outs may not be heard if switches are not working quite right.
Many thanks... I did take a look 👀 at the switches they appeared ok but will take another look... and noted your other advice too 👍🏻
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