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Dec 29, 2017
Hi all,

Just finished the Witcher series and friends recommending the “Malazan - Book of the Fallen” series. Anyone read them/listened to them??


If not, any recommendations? Or what are you reading atm?
On it for Salems Lot, good shout.
Had the dark tower reccomended too.
Dark tower is a slog as King does go off on a tangent story wise. First book just sets a great tone, boo two is ok , three is bearable then the rest well just read the rest and well...
salems lot is a classic. Raw Steven king as is Book one of Dark tower
Isn’t the Dark tower where they meet Stephen king lol
Yep thats where is sort of goes off :D the tangent.running out of ideas.. Book one is great.
You could try "consider phlebas" Iain Banks, thats going to be made into a series by amazon
Cheers @Vimtoman - think I’m gonna go Salem’s Lot and maybe one more prior to Malazan, even on audio book all 10 are 16 days run time even on audio, so that’s about half a year for me at two hours a day.
It's a fairly chunky read, but with current circumstances there's never been a better time to read Stephen King's 'The Stand'
It's a fairly chunky read, but with current circumstances there's never been a better time to read Stephen King's 'The Stand'

Not even heard of it... gotta admit... will look it up.
It was after reading Stephen King's IT that I realised just how twisted his mind is. The book is far darker than both the film and TV mini series.
It was after reading Stephen King's IT that I realised just how twisted his mind is. The book is far darker than both the film and TV mini series.

No spoilers, although I think I know a few already. Listening to it now.
If you like fantasy give The Dragonbone Chair trilogy a read by Tad Williams.
Has anyone read atonement? I highly rate the film. Wondering if the book is worth a read?
The Stand is interesting in the way that there are two distinct versions of it.

I think a considerably less cut down version of it came out around 1990/91. Guess it’s a bit like a directors cut version of a film. The basic plot is the same but there’s significantly more depth to why things happen.

As an aside. Even with a pandemic I don’t see George RR Martin buckling down and finishing his latest book. I remember naively comming back to the series around 2005 and thinking it would be a good time to pick up the remaining novels as surely he would have finished by now. Little did we know....
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