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Found it! Blue translucent targets


Site Supporter
Aug 30, 2011
Phil and Andy don’t have these in stock and neither do the usual European suspects.
It’s for Gilligan’s Island. B-12912-10 is the complete assy no I only need one to get it playing but I’d like 3 to replace em all.
Any ideas anyone. Yea Marco have them as a last resort.
Thanks. I’d spotted them earlier but after logging in and ordering some the PayPal log in on my phone kept going round n round so I gave up.
Just tried again and they are €15 dearer than they were earlier but still it won’t connect my PayPal.
I’ll try off a laptop tomorrow.
Yea I’d even looked at going down that route but don’t have a riveter to secure them onto the existing targets
I’ve managed to locate a used target and tbh this broken one of mine needs “the last rites“ it’s that far gone. Thanks for your offer anyway
As you’re more knowledgable than me on these matters I presume WH20 are the same as GI.
Just looked on ipdb. I can see white targets like on GI but Can’t see any translucent blue.
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