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Blackout - blackout help needed

The seeker

Oct 13, 2015
Hi guys I just went to fire up the pins and noticed the bulbs in the back box won't come on on my blackout pinball machine.. some bulbs do i.e. the ones stating high score and which player / game over ect but the long string of bulbs won't light up.. Now I'm thinking this will be a fuse but can anyone shed any light on subject before i get my toolkit out ... Many thanks James
Probably a burnt out IDC connector where the GI string connects to the PCB.
It can often be just the fuse in these early 80's Williams games, as they use a single 20amp fuse all the GI in the backbox and the flayfield.

All the GI wiring is on the tag boards in the backbox near to the transformer. You also have a relay near the transformer on the bottom of the backbox that controlls the GI
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