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Best/Easiest way to clean up legs?

Sam C

Site Supporter
Feb 8, 2012
Kettering, UK
Hi Guys,

I've got a Medusa which is pretty nice, but the legs are a bit gnarly - I think someone must have spilled something (not sure what it is, it's like light yellow residue, looks a bit like if you spilled cooking oil) down the legs at some point. I'd like to just give the a bit of a clean up is possible. What's the best way to do this and what do I need to go buy? Assuming I will need to get something!

Make sure you wear gloves :thumbs: Full fat Coke makes a good alternative for water but is even messier :)
Powder coating - the guys who do mine do an excellent job - should cost around £10 a leg but no doubt someone could recommend somewhere it can be done cheaper

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I've done tinfoil and coke before, worked really well (on chrome).

But as said above you must wear gloves!

If you're not sure just check it out on you tube.

Good luck.
Steel wool and autosol for me.

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I do have some autosol - I've not used it much though. I might give that a go if the other methods don't give the results I'm after. Thanks for the suggestion!
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