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Bally Flipper Enable Repair


10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
This isn't a help request but just a repair logged for future reference in case anybody has the same issue.

My Bally Vector had a permanently enabled flipper relay. This meant that the flippers worked even in attract mode and also when the game was tilted.
I first checked the driver transistors on the Solenoid Driver Board. Q15 was locked on so I changed that. That didn't fix the problem (but obviously needed replacing).
I then tracked the problem further back and found that the transistor array chip at U4 (a CA3081) was causing the transistor to be permanently on. Fortunately the chips were socket on my machine so I tried swapping two chips over (there are three) and sure enough the problem switched to a different coil bring permanently energised.
I fitted a new CA3081 and now everything is tickety boo.
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Well done, nice fix. My knowledge so far doesn't extend back beyond the transistors. I'm sure one day I'll need to look further.
Well done, nice fix. My knowledge so far doesn't extend back beyond the transistors. I'm sure one day I'll need to look further.
A logic probe is a must. It is very enlightening to actually see the outputs of chips changing from low to high and something happening (light flashing, coil firing etc.).

I'm certainly nowhere near Luke Wells level but I can fix just about most things now.
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