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American Pinball Houdini - UK Launch at Tilt


Site Supporter
Apr 26, 2016
Super excited to announce that we will be launching American Pinball's Houdini at the Shine Charity Competition on Sunday 26th November! (Subject to shipping)

We'll also be using it as the High Score Competition on the day!
£1 per game
Winner to get trophy and translite (donated by Pinball Heaven)

Great scoop!

No question, this is the game you get most for your money as at £6995 it is a grand below a Stern premium.

It is fully featured and allegedly BOM is super high and no money being made on the game by AP.

Great spec etc.

The biggest question though is, 'how does it play'?

Looking forward to this, will be nice to try a new companies machine for the first time
Looks pretty cool. Certainly a lot of Theatre of Magic inspiration in there. Definitely interested to experience how it plays. The ball travel looks strangely slow in every video I've seen.
Looks pretty cool. Certainly a lot of Theatre of Magic inspiration in there. Definitely interested to experience how it plays. The ball travel looks strangely slow in every video I've seen.
Seems to be a shallow-angled table by design.

No problem with that - as long as it's intentional!
Just seen some more video it looks like a great machine.

Def lots of good machine coming out at the moment

Houdini, TNA, GOTG, AFMR all look great

Shame I only have room for one pin ☹️
I tried to play one of the prototypes at Expo in Chicago in October. Some of it was very impressive, like the thing that throws the ball half of the length of the playfield.

Unfortunately someone had started a four player game and then played one ball and walked away, so I asked the staff member to hand if it was OK to power off the machine and then switch it on again so I could start a new two player game with some guy who was also looking at the machine. The staff member said that that was fine so I restarted the machine and it wouldn't reboot properly. Then one of the technical guys came running over and told me off for restarting the machine in no uncertain terms.

I said that I had asked one of his colleagues who had said that it was OK to do that. The tech guy then basically said that his colleague is an idiot and is just an artist, and that the machine would be out of action for the rest of the day thanks to me, which it was. Ooops.

So I didn't get a really good play on the game, but it sure does look nice. Definitely worth a closer look.
I would definitely consider this as a NIB. Stern build quality vs. price are out. JJP have ****ed me off with Hobbit's code progress and DI is just not my cup of tea. Alien is daft money. TNA looks great but maybe not deep enough for a small pin collection. This on the other hand looks bang tidy, chuffed Phil got the distribution rights too.
The staff member said that that was fine so I restarted the machine and it wouldn't reboot properly..
Entirely their own fault. If the didn’t want it turned off ever, they shoulda told all their crew or put a big bit of tape over the button.

Is this thing also using Jim Askey’s code, like Magic Girl? Or is it clean and ok to enthuse about?
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