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AIRBUS A380 Accelerated Retirement

Solar Sailer

Site Supporter
Jun 22, 2018
Having followed the 380 since when it first appeared at Farnborough and flown on it a couple of times to and from Bankok, it a shame that it will be a major casualty of the C19 situation.
Even in economy its a nice ride!


Air France have already started there retirement. First one went to an airfield in Ireland for careful dismantling.
Total financial disaster.

Flight wise I think the 787 is better - it’s filtration system is amazing and I always try and get on one if I can. Feels like I haven’t been on a plane when I get off.

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Total financial disaster.

Flight wise I think the 787 is better - it’s filtration system is amazing and I always try and get on one if I can. Feels like I haven’t been on a plane when I get off.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Quieter too. But there's nothing like seeing the beast fly overhead. They're unfathomably big.
Total financial disaster.

Flight wise I think the 787 is better - it’s filtration system is amazing and I always try and get on one if I can. Feels like I haven’t been on a plane when I get off.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

True, the 787 is a leader and a comfortable alternative.
EVA have just started taking delivery of theres so hoping they will use it on the London-Bangkok-Tapei route once we are out if this.

I think generally on some routes the 777 ERs won't be viable if not near to capacity.
RR are utter sh1ts they are forever hiring and firing. They have zero loyalty and this is why I'll never work there despite them being fairly local.
Bonsoir amis Anglais
Excusez ce message en Français, je ne parle pas votre langue,
Je voulais juste vous dire que les 777.787 et A 380 ne seront jamais que des immeubles de banlieues volants tous très laids UNE seule machine volante mérite notre admiration : CONCORD que j'écris sans E pour vous faire plaisir
Le gouffre financier s'oublie (en France on a l'habitude de gaspiller l'argent des impôts) mais la beauté et le bruit de l'Olympus 593 restent à vie dans la tète
Encore MERCI au peuple britannique pour nous avoir donné un petit coup de main à construire cette Merveille (humour)
bon vol
Calais .France

PS: comment expliquez vous a vos enfants que leur grand père mettait 3 fois moins de temps pour aller a New York en 1980 ?????????????: rofl:

Good evening English friends
Excuse this message in French, I don't speak your language,
I just wanted to tell you that the 777.787 and A 380 will never be anything more than ugly flying suburban buildings ONE flying machine alone deserves our admiration: CONCORD that I write without E to please you
The financial chasm is forgotten (in France we are used to wasting tax money) but the beauty and the noise of the Olympus 593 remain for life in the head
THANK YOU again to the British people for giving us a helping hand to build this Wonder (humor)
good flight
Calais .France

PS: how do you explain to your children that their grandfather took 3 times less time to go to New York in 1980 ??????????????: rofl:
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