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Wanted Addams Family Cabinet

Tim R

Apr 18, 2015
Almondbury, West yorkshire
Looking for an addams family cabinet to send to Matt, Does anybody have an old one they want rid of? or as an alternative, if anyone else is thinking of having a new cabinet made for theirs, i will pay a bit towards their cost?


Looking for an addams family cabinet to send to Matt, Does anybody have an old one they want rid of? or as an alternative, if anyone else is thinking of having a new cabinet made for theirs, i will pay a bit towards their cost?



Better off restoring what you have if I'm honest.

How bad is yours?

I managed to restore mine.








Well, about that, i bought a cabinet off of an infamous (ex) cabinet maker on the forum. looked great when it arrived, so my old cab went for firewood. it wasn't until after it was all painted and the side art was applied that i realised its wrong, not enough to notice with the eye, but what gave it away was when i sat the playfield in and one side fell off the hinge and into the cabinet. looks like its about 5-8mm too wide, also, there was supposed to be an extra piece of ply on the back where the backflash sits, which was missing, so when the head was sat in situe and the holes were drilled for the hinges, they were in the wrong place, causing the head to not fold down correctly. i tried getting in touch with the cabinet maker, but i was ignored. after many attempts i just gave up.

i know i could maybe have the cabinet altered but it would no longer have interlocking mitre joints and due to the wrong hole positions it would be riddled with filler. not what i want on a new cabinet and a super minty build i started in 2016 o_O .

whats worse, is that under the bench i have a white water in a thousand pieces, i was expecting to get a cabinet for that from the same guy for that, so got rid of my old one early. so im in the same boat with that project, but i wanted to get the addams finished first.

oh and to top it all off, i send all the rusty cabinet parts to the cabinet maker for restoration, including the transformer, backplane, coin door, lockdown bar and receiver etc a huge box full of cabinet parts. which i never got back.

so as you do, i threw a dust sheet over the lot and forgot about it for the last 3 years. but now im sick of seeing it and want to get the project back moving again. i had the playfields refurbished by Henrik back in 2016, so that shows you how long its been put off for lol :sad:
Man that's horrible.

I know @David retro is going to do do new cabs soon.

Otherwise it may be worth taking your cab To @Ant-H to resolve. He'd use resin over wood filler.

It may yet be salvageable.
if thats the case i dont mind waiting, just as long as i know things are moving forward. i was even going to buy or borrow a second addams so i could have the cabinet copied, but Matt said he would need to knock it apart so i could copy it, meaning 2 cabs, 2 decal sets etc etc, very expensive and just not feasible to do on the second machine as i would never see my money back lol.
A decent joiner can replicate a cab easy enough - use the oversized one as a template but get it made to correct width.
Dave Bishop
Had a flintstones cabinet up for sale, not sure how close that is to a TAF.
Dave Bishop
Had a flintstones cabinet up for sale, not sure how close that is to a TAF.
Addams uses that God awful pivot system like on T2.

It's that one pivot with no way to pull the playfield out on a tilt.

The more modern pivot system like BSD and I believe whitewater etc were from like 93 onwards.

I would believe Flintstones being 94 it has the newer system.

Basically Addams doesn't have support rails.
so, in theory, i could get hold of any cabinet with the same hinge system, and just ask Matt not to cut out the plunger and flipper buttons? is that all that could possibly be in a different position?
so, in theory, i could get hold of any cabinet with the same hinge system, and just ask Matt not to cut out the plunger and flipper buttons? is that all that could possibly be in a different position?

I'm lost why wouldn't you want him to cut out the flipper and plunger area's?

In theory yes but honestly you just don't see any cabs let alone specific models.
just in case they were in lightly different positions, like some haves have 4 flipper buttons instead of 2?

i get what you are saying about there not being many cabs about. which is why i offered to pay a bit of money towards anybody else thinking of having a new cabinet made for theirs. at least now i know that my options are slightly wider and i just need to find someone with a game with the same hinge system as mine :)

I might get back onto Matt and see if there is any way that he would be able to copy the cab without knocking it apart. if that was the case, I do have a Doctor Who in for a workshop at the minute. i suppose i could strip that down and send him the cab, its going back to a dump of a site, so it definitely doesn't want to be having a new cabinet made for that lol
As above cabs or scrap pinball s just don’t come up anymore parted out lots of wpc games back in the day when a T2 was £350 and so was an nba but most of the time the cabs went to the tip as that was something nobody ever wanted
I haven’t found anybody who can make a decent cab yet I just don’t think it’s worth the effort due to lots of vairiants and very little demand
Cabinets also have different positioning of transformers. Some have the back legs at different heights (WPC89/WPC95).

Have spoken to a few people to make them (with a slightly altered design) so I could make vpins but it was expensive.

Do not be tempted to buy an eBay VPIN cab that they tell you is made to the same plans as a WPC cab. Most of them are not. They do not ise an angled joing at the edges.

One of these said cabs actually has no joints and held together with modesty blocks.

The thing is a bare cabinet with no holes drilled for mounting brackets should NOT be that expensive, but from being £400 a couple of years ago - the last quote was £900-1000 - which is astronomical considering the cost of ply and maybe a days labour gluing it all together. My dad was a carpenter and wood machinest and he once made one without a CNC machine. It took him 3 evenings.

Material wise it is two sheets of 19mm 8x4 foot sheets. Plus some other timber for the bars inside and the triangles behind the leg plates. Even at Wickes prices - £120.
yeah, i made one for a getaway pin with an old joiner friend of mine quite a few years ago. i remember the timber being pricy then, i daren't even look now lol. it wasn't that hard for him but mainly because he had the proper tackle and one to copy from.

speaking of one to copy from, after a few beers last night, and really wanting to get this project moving again, I bought the Hurricane that was on eBay yesterday. :oops:

from what i can tell, they seem to be identical on the outside. single flipper buttons, plunger and start button location. backflash will be the same apart from the holes for the topper but that's simple enough.

if i can manage to get Matt or someone to copy it without having to knock it apart then i can throw some polish on it and get most, if not all of my money back at a later date. so it shouldn't cost me much. at least that's what I'm telling myself lol :p

starting to get the buzz back again now :clap:
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