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Sold 20 DMD Displays


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10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
I bought these from @Alpha1 , you may remember the for sale post from him on here recently, he'd originally said there were 35 but it turned out only to be 20 - bought as-is, all expected to have problems like lines out or just not working as stated in the original post.

I got these as I was expecting to be made redundant in May, I was then going to take a few months off and so have plenty of time to do pinball stuff! However I discovered yesterday that I'm not going to be redundant after all, which is of course a good thing but does mean the displays (which only arrived on Tuesday and I've not looked at since) are now likely to sit there indefinitely......so I wondered if anyone wanted them?

They cost me a little over a tenner each inc. delivery so I'm looking for £200 for all 20 - to be collected from Bristol or for you to arrange with Martin for delivery.

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