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Williams Indiana Jones Sound Fault


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Sep 7, 2013
Lincoln, Uk
Mark Craven
Hi all,

I've been getting an annoying sound glitch on my IJ, randomly during a game the music will go off, but the sound effects will continue at maximum volume, so loud you have to switch it off. Reboot and it's fine again for a few games.

I did try reseating the ribbon connectors, but afterwards couldn't get the cpu to boot. Following the pinwiki repair guide advice I isolated this to the sound board as disconnecting just this ribbon cable allowed the pin to boot up. Took all the sound chips in and back out and this solved the booting up problem.

But the original sound problem is still there, happened again on first game. Did notice that there is blue residue or corrosion on the chips sockets on the sound board, I've seen this many times on fruit machine boards where the batteries have leaked, usually the source of a lot of problems. Also the cpu is a pinled so maybe the original was replaced due to battery leakage? The sound chips are quite a way from the cpu so is this likely?

Anyone else experienced this sound problem? Corrupted sound Rom maybe? I could burn a new rom but it's been a while I've got to find my old eprom burner first and see if it still works.
Did notice that there is blue residue or corrosion on the chips sockets on the sound board, I've seen this many times on fruit machine boards where the batteries have leaked, usually the source of a lot of problems. Also the cpu is a pinled so maybe the original was replaced due to battery leakage? The sound chips are quite a way from the cpu so is this likely?
All bets are off until you can get that sorted, to be honest. Severe acid leakage that manages to hit more than just the MPU is not unheard of, sadly.

But - with a little luck - it'll be very surface-level on the sound board because regardless of severity, that's quite a travel distance for battery acid. So maybe you just need to clean, possibly replace the ROMs.
Ok, maybe I should just ditch the DCS board and put Pinsound in. Luckily I already have one not currently being used!
I would try the roms first it foc if you have a burner
Pin sound is excellent in that game mark
I think I'm going to stick my pinsound board in, saves any more messing about hopefully.

Which code would you recommend, there seems to be a reorchestrated version as well as the original.
I think I'm going to stick my pinsound board in, saves any more messing about hopefully.

Which code would you recommend, there seems to be a reorchestrated version as well as the original.
It's a horses for courses choice - try both out! I'd say try the reorchestrated one out first, if you don't like it you can go back to the original
The Endprodukt one is the best one. Just fitted it to mine big improvement.
I tried that code first but only had one game before I switched it to the original code. A lot of sound effects and callouts are missing, it's just not Indy without "See ya tomorrow Indiana Jones" at the end of the game.
I did the opposite has some funny call outs and the bass from those punches from pops are pretty sweet.
Sure it sounded better with his mix will have to swop and have another listen.
Did you upgrade the speakers as it will be pretty bad if not.

When I bought mine it had the sound problem you mentioned and I just put the latest roms in and was fixed.
I guess I’m just nostalgic for the original sounds, spent so much time playing this in the 90’s any change is instantly noticeable.
No I haven’t upgraded the speakers and you’re right you can hardly notice the difference without changing the speakers but at least it’s working!
Which speakers did you use? I’ve put car speakers in my TZ and BSD and they sound much better even without pinsound. Much cheaper than flipper fidelity and pinsound speakers, probably not as good quality but good enough for me I can’t play them too loud anyway it upsets the family.
I tried that code first but only had one game before I switched it to the original code. A lot of sound effects and callouts are missing, it's just not Indy without "See ya tomorrow Indiana Jones" at the end of the game.
Are you sure you have his full version? If you downloaded from pinsound then that is a stripped back version (due to copyright arguments I think) that he has disassociated himself from. You need to contact him to get his proper version, which I believe has everything in the original plus more. I’m my opinion it’s the best single mod for this machine. Just my 2 cents of course - each to their own.
Are you sure you have his full version? If you downloaded from pinsound then that is a stripped back version (due to copyright arguments I think) that he has disassociated himself from. You need to contact him to get his proper version, which I believe has everything in the original plus more. I’m my opinion it’s the best single mod for this machine. Just my 2 cents of course - each to their own.
Yes it was from Pinsound community.
I’ll have to see if I can get the full version then, cheers.
I guess I’m just nostalgic for the original sounds, spent so much time playing this in the 90’s any change is instantly noticeable.
No I haven’t upgraded the speakers and you’re right you can hardly notice the difference without changing the speakers but at least it’s working!
Which speakers did you use? I’ve put car speakers in my TZ and BSD and they sound much better even without pinsound. Much cheaper than flipper fidelity and pinsound speakers, probably not as good quality but good enough for me I can’t play them too loud anyway it upsets the family.
PinSound speakers but have the flipper fidelity with PinSound board in one machine but think the PinSound speakers edge it and they are cheaper.
Are you sure you have his full version? If you downloaded from pinsound then that is a stripped back version (due to copyright arguments I think) that he has disassociated himself from. You need to contact him to get his proper version, which I believe has everything in the original plus more. I’m my opinion it’s the best single mod for this machine. Just my 2 cents of course - each to their own.
Think mine came from PinSound community site so might be cut down then?
I have this one: http://pinsound-community.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/252-indiana-jones-reorchestrated/
Just for the record, I put the DCS board back in because I wanted to cure the fault. Tried cleaning the sound board with all the socketed chips out, that didn’t work, burnt a new rom and all is good, haven’t seen the problem again since.
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