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website playing up under safari on my iphone


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Dec 27, 2017
Leeds, West Yorkshire
@Paul , the website is playing up on my iphone (i’ve even swapped to a new phone and it’s still doing it). The problem is when you click on a thread (say from the unread list). about 50% of the time instead of going into the topic thread it seems to stay on the page and then it marks the topic as read so if i click into it a second time it goes into it but is now on the first page of the thread rather than the last post i read.

it works fine on my laptop in chrome, so only a problem on my iphone(s).

Sometimes it appears to show the topic but then quickly refreshes to the previous page.

not sure if anyone else having the same problem?
Biggest issue here is your using safari, dreadful browser, install chrome and save your sanity :D
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