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Spring cleaning...


Staff member
Oct 5, 2012
South Wales
Ok so it's not actually Spring, tho it may feel like it, but it is time to have a little tidy up.

So i'm moving some things about. Just thought i would advise where and why

I've removed the links to the Wiki at present. It wasnt really used, and to be fair a lot of the "wiki" stuff was catered for in either the "tricks and tips" forum, or the "Technical questions and help" forum. It's not gone, just hidden in case it's needed again in the future...

The member Map has now moved so it's under "members" - if you havent added yourself why not do it now - then we can see where about others are - most useful when buying a pin or spares!!

I will update this over the next 24/36 hours as i move things about..

I'll apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused

Added "Repair guide" links menu to Pinwiki....hover over the arrow on the link and the list appears. Opens in a new tab so you dont loose where you were
Looking to add (i.e. over the next few months) a proper "Classifieds" section...with built in "buy it now" and paypal integration.... useful for smaller items or accessories. this will NOT be an auction site - just will allow people to list items in a more organised fashion...

Listing will be FREE.
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