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secret lab chairs


Site Supporter
Jul 21, 2011
new cross
John Whitfield
Hi Guys,

Just picking your brains here. The boy turns 19 in June and I was toying with getting him a new gaming chair.

I know next to nothing about them so

1) are secret lab chairs any good?
2) they currently have a sale. Is this a genuine thing or are they always on sale?

Cheers in advance.
Thanks. I’d seen the name on the forum before so assumed there was some love for the brand.

I used his room last month when I had covid and sat on his current chair and it pretty much collapsed. So figured it would make a good birthday gift for when he’s back from uni.

I still can’t work out why their tables are almost £500. Seems ultra expensive for a table.
Had one since the start of Lockdown (the first one), where i was bouncing from home office to working on site (Key worker).

Best office investment ever. I do suffer from back problems, and it makes sitting painless.
Bought one in 2020 and never looked back, as others say best chair I ever bought. Only minor complaints would be:

The actual bit of the chair you sit on can feel on the harder side at first. I got used to this pretty quickly.
I had an arm rest split after around a year and a half of ownership (I think down to me putting my weight on it to stand up frequently, I’m not a big guy I weigh 12 stone so it didn’t take a lot of force, just repeatedly doing it over time) but as the chair was in warranty secretlab were fantastic and sent me a new one for free with the tool to fit it too.
Weighs an absolute ton due to the quality of the materials to build it, if you get one don’t put it down on bare carpet it’ll ruin it. If it’s going on carpet get something to protect the carpet with.

Other than that fantastic chair I recommend them to anyone looking for a comfy durable chair. Love the tilt feature I caught a few Zs on it in lockdown when work was quiet!
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