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Wanted Scared stiff eproms


Jul 21, 2011
Could do with buying a full set of eproms for scared stiff, its the sound ones Im suspicious about on mine but Im happy to get a full set with the main game eprom too if someone can supply.

Got an eprom burner and various blank chips but the manuals not very easy to get my head round so Ive just given up basically :)

Can pay cash or paypal or swap for parts or whatever.

Mine are anyhow - I automatically do anything that can be done - Makes it easier in the future if the owner upgrades to LED's :)
BTW I am not stepping on any ones feet if Paul is not available I can do it :)

Regards Dave



No problems at all :)

Though - i will say - if you want any of those new LED's reviewing and you send me a set for my MM then I'd be only too happy to do so.... If they are any good then don't bank on getting them back... ;)

I can send you a sample for you to review then gladly take all your hard earned money off you supplying a whole set for MM:) Wat can't afford Leds for your MM:)

No honestly I can send a set of each type if you would like to do an honest impartial review. We use same Led's as cointaker same factory same machine.
I can send you a sample for you to review then gladly take all your hard earned money off you supplying a whole set for MM:) Wat can't afford Leds for your MM:)

Nope! I like LED's in machines, however cant afford the cost of them - I have a TAF to refurbish on the cheap!!

And anyhow, i only do reviews on full sets. If anyone has a set of any others then I'll hapilly do the same - those must fit a TAF tho ;) :boink:

Blame the CSA - it's all their fault!! ;)

Have sent you a PM to take off list :)

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