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In Progress Pinball Magic


Site Supporter
Jul 21, 2011
I'm going to start shopping out my newly acquired Pinball Magic in the next few weeks but as a starting point I thought I'd shoot some gameplay video as it is right now. There's also some footage of the DMD animations as they're really cool and at the end of the video is the light show the game does during attract. Pinball Magic (and I think all Capcom games) has no traditional GI lights, all the lamps are CPU controlled so it can do some quite fancy effects. This does mean that LEDs are a no go though as you lose all of the cool fading.

The game is in really good shape already so it should just be a case of giving everything a good clean but I'm sure I'l find the odd thing that needs work as I strip it down.

Had some time to spend on this today so I've started to strip the top of the playfield. It's a bit grubby but not a huge amount of dirt compared to some I've seen :) The game is quite a complicated tear down and I've had to be methodical in the way I've taken it apart but I've not come across anything yet that's very different to a B/W, DE or other manufacturers game :thumbs:





So far I've not found anything that's properly broken or bodged although I did come across this novel way of modifying rubbers to fit what's needed :D

Work has been a bit slow on this one due to non pinball stuff plus the arrival of at least 2 more pins since I started taking it apart. Good news is that all the bits and pieces are now cleaned and re-assembly can begin. I'll try and stick a few pics up and maybe shoot some video this week to show where the game currently is :thumbs:
Here's a few pics of the playfield cleaned and waxed. It's cleaned up really nicely....gonna be a good looking game when I've finished :) Everything off the bottom was stripped down and cleaned as well. I'll get a new video done and up this weekend :thumbs:




Looking awesome dude. I've got some of that wax, ended up getting it for the same reason. It's pretty good but a son of a bitch to get off when it drys
Glad to see you are doing all this awesome work on the machine.
All that's needed now is for you to sell it to me for me to enjoy one of my favourite machines.;)
Got the rest of the game back together yesterday evening and the initial play test looks good. The list of things to do so far is:
  • Bit of buzzing from the flippers. Probably just needs the end stops adjusting a bit.
  • 1 bulb out on one of the magician lamp boards. One leg of the bulb holder has snapped so just needs re-soldering or a jumper wire.
  • Captive ball switch not registering. This was a bit hit and miss before I took the game apart and I'm pretty sure it's just a switch adjustment.
  • Drop target decals need sticking on better.
  • Shooter lane wireform needs adjusting so the ball makes the loop more smoothly.
  • Slings and pop bumper switches need adjusting to be a bit more responsive
Not bad for such a complex game although I'm sure they'll be a few more bits to tinker with :thumbs:
Had a little bit of tinkering time this evening so I adjusted and cleaned the captive ball switch and this is now working perfectly. Also took the lamp board out and fixed the bulb holder by soldering in a jumper wire and this is now working as well. Ran the troubleshooting self diagnostics you get on a Capcom game and no errors reported :thumbs: Noticed a few more switches that could do with being adjusted so I'll go through and gap everything correctly :)

I had a very quick look at the buzzing flippers and have order some new coil stops from Australia but in the meantime does anyone have some spring washers going spare to sell? They're the curved springy washers used to put some pressure against the coil and the end stop.
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