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New vpw table, iron maiden

I've only just realised Batman '66 has been released (a year ago!), will have to look at getting that setup. Looks pretty good from the videos.
I was involved in the testing on B66. 27,000 lines of hand written code for the ruleset, based on hundreds of hours of test play on the real machine. Incredible effort.
suspect stern are not in favour is that their license requires them to stamp out illegal copies and this is an illegal copy on the Flip side it might help sell more real games
When I talked to Gary Stern a few years ago about Vpins he is well aware of these games/emulations being done, but he honestly does not care.
I was amazed how easy it was to strip the assets off a stern memory card, nothing on the games in encrypted. You just need a linux virtual machine and you can pull off all the files. A JJP is totally the opposite. They rely on a dongle. I have not managed to get a JJP game running on a PC yet.
When I talked to Gary Stern a few years ago about Vpins he is well aware of these games/emulations being done, but he honestly does not care.
I was amazed how easy it was to strip the assets off a stern memory card, nothing on the games in encrypted. You just need a linux virtual machine and you can pull off all the files. A JJP is totally the opposite. They rely on a dongle. I have not managed to get a JJP game running on a PC yet.
Have you had spike1/2 running?? (I'm assuming you mean you can pull the files vs JJP?)
Only spike game I was aware of was GB and that was done using the dlls from TPA - not 'true' emulation
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